"Letters? What letters?" Oberyn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Clearly, he was left in the dark almost as much as she was. Gods, did he even know that they were to be betrothed?

Prince Doran nodded, ignoring his brother's words. "Yes, Lord Arryn. I hope you do not mind that we speak in the comforts of the Old Palace." 

"Of course. Come, Lady Cassandra." Lord Arryn agreed, extending a hand toward her. 

Cassandra reached out to take his hand, only for Oberyn to pull her closer to him. She looked up at him in shock, eyes questioning what it was he thought he was doing. 

"Forgive me but I was hoping that Lady Cassandra and I could spend some time with one another. Seeing as you will be discussing our imminent betrothal, it would be good for us to speak too." Oberyn spoke up, not meeting her gaze. 

Lord Arryn shook his head, immediately voicing his objection. "I do not think it would be proper. If the king were to find out that his sister was left unchaperoned with-" 

"With her betrothed?" Oberyn interrupted, daring the other man to say otherwise, a self-righteous smile on his face. 

"I hardly think that an unmarried woman should be left alone with a man. No matter who he may be." Lord Arryn responded, looking pointedly at how close they were standing to one another.

"Lord Arryn, I assure you my brother would be perfectly honorable. Granted, I understand your concerns which are why her guards will be accompanying her. Am I right, brother?" Doran mediated. 

"Of course." Oberyn nodded, shooting Lord Arryn an innocent look. 

Clearly not believing him, Lord Arryn turned to her with an expectant look. "Lady Cassandra, the choice is up to you." 

Cassandra knew she was expected to refuse and opt to join Lord Arryn at the Old Palace. It was the proper thing to do for a noble lady such as herself. 

"I wish to join Prince Oberyn. It would be good for us to talk as well while you convene about the technicalities." Cassandra said instead, standing her ground. 

Lord Arryn pressed, trying to get her to change her mind. "Are you sure? Robert would probably want you to rest first." 

Cassandra suppressed the urge to sigh. Even here, Robert's voice followed her. "I feel fine. I know Robert would want me to get to know my future husband more. Besides, Prince Oberyn and I have met before." 

Lord Arryn said, coming to terms with the fact that he would have to let her out of his sight despite Robert saying otherwise. "I see. Very well, I shall see you at the Old Palace then." 

Cassandra watched as Lord Arryn joined Prince Doran in the awaiting carriage. She knew those two would be talking of the uprising and the betrothal. The alliance rested on both their shoulders. 

They would be deciding on their fate, hers and Oberyn's. 

For somehow, their destinies seemed continuously intertwined. 



The Dornish prince struggled to wipe the victorious smile off his face as he looked at the moving carriage, shrinking as the distance between them increased. 

He did not think that he would be successful in his endeavor. In fact, he knew it was foolish to seek a moment for just him and her but they needed to speak privately.

Oberyn doubted that they would be allowed to spend some time alone within the Old Palace, with so many leering at them and waiting for them to make a wrong move. 

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