Chapter 18

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(Katherine) *packing suitcase* today's the day

(Lara) *over videochat* I may be on my honeymoon right now but you better call me I don't care what time it is I'll miss you kitty and so will Margot

(Margot) I'm right here helping her pack but yes I will miss my baby sister

(Lara) Peter wishes you the best kitty especially in this school and the boy drama between Min-ho and dae

(Katherine) they'll work that out at some point I'm jest happy I get to go back and learn more of mom while also seeing principal Lim and Mr.Finnerty I miss everyone

(Min-ho) that is why we're going back

(Lara) *over call* hi Min-ho

(Min-ho) hi Lara jean

(Katherine) I'm almost done packing then my dad is driving us to the airport

(Min-ho) our flights in an hour and thirty minutes so looking at the clock we should get there in the last twenty minutes

(Margot) good calculations Min-ho

(Katherine) *closing suitcase* looks like we're ready

(Min-ho) common I'll carry it down *grabbing suitcase*

(Lara) have a safe flight

(Margot) text us when you land

(Katherine) I will *hugging margot* goodbye you guys

(Lara) bye kitty

(Dan) I'm ready if you are kiddo

(Katherine) I'm ready dad *walking to car* it's really today

(Min-ho) Yuri said Q and dae will meet us at the airport with her and Juliana

(Katherine) sounds good

(Dan) let's get driving

(Min-ho) *opening car door* after you

(Katherine) *sitting in car with Min-ho*

(Dan) so what will you kids do after the end of junior year

(Katheirne) I've actually been planning to attend senior year in kiss it's an abroad program but I'll talk to principal lim about it and see what she can do

(Dan) I'd be happy for you as long as you graduate I'm happy you want to do this kitty

(Katherine) I love going to kiss so it's a fun adventure

(Dan) what are the plans after kiss?

(Katherine) were taking it slow dad will see what comes

- air port -

(Dan) here we are

(Trina) we hope you all have a safe flight home

(Yuri) thank you Mrs.Covey

(Q) this will be quite the ride

(Dae) they should be boarding soon so we should head to our gate

(Katherine) *hugging Dan and Trina* I'll miss you both

(Dan) have fun at kiss sweetie call us any time you need no matter the event or boy trouble will always be on to answer

(Katherine) thank you dad

"Flight to Seoul is now boarding"

(Yuri) that's our cue

(Juliana) *walking with Yuri*

(Q) let's go *walking with arm over dae*

(Dae) I'm coming

(Min-ho) are you ready? *holding hand out*

(Kathrine) I'm ready *holding Min-hos hand* let's return to kiss

- end of story -

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