Chapter 15

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5 days before the wedding

(Yuri) we're here!

(Q) kitty has a nice hometown

(Yuri) well Min-ho is the only one who knows of our arrival we are surprising kitty

(Juliana) so I'll finally meet the girl you always talk about

(Yuri) yes you will babe and you'll meet her boyfriend

(Juliana) so she is straight?

(Dae) technically bisexual but you'd have to hear that through kitty

(Q) Dae knows something

(Juliana) babe I'm going to grab our bags

(Yuri) thank you

(Juliana) *walking to luggage*

(Dae) I didn't wanna say it near Juliana but kitty liked Yuri at one point its the main reason I left after you guys flag dance I though she liked Min-ho so I confronted Min-ho when it turned out to be Yuri

(Q) that's right kitty did mention something about a sex dream

(Yuri) sex dream?

(Q) we won't get into that

(Min-ho) hello I'm waiting

(Yuri) Min-ho you made it for us *hugging Min-ho*

(Min-ho) well you all are here for my girlfriends sisters wedding so of course I have to be your ride

(Dae) so you two are offical now?

(Min-ho) not quite offical but we do have a date on when I asked kitty to be my girlfriend

(Dae) so your really not pretending a relationship?

(Min-ho) not like you and Yuri

(Dae) me and Yuri were in the past

(Q) guys cool it were here for a wedding and to see our best friends let's enjoy this week here

(Min-ho) we have five days before the wedding, I'm part of the bachelor party and kitty is in the Bachelorette party for her sister so alot is happening

(Juliana) usually they try to get everyone drunk but your a junior so you can't have alcohol

(Min-ho) I know so were not planning any of that

(Q) can we get to kitty's place I really wanna see her

(Min-ho) yes we can let's go I'm sure you guys can surprise her since she doesn't know when you were flying in

(Yuri) yay let's get a move on

- song Covey home -

(Min-ho) let's get upstairs it's only eight in the morning so kitty may be waking up

(Yuri) common *tiptowing upstairs*

(Min-ho) hi Dan

(Dan) time to hear loud reactions from my daughter

(Min-ho) yes sir this is Dae, Q, Yuri and Juliana

(Yuri) hi Mr.Song Covey

(Dan) nice to meet you kids

(Min-ho) *walking into kitty's bedroom* ready

(Q) *grabbing blanket with dae* 3...2

(Dae) Surprise!

(Yuri) surprise!

(Katherine) *jumping up screaming* ahhha!

(Yuri) hi girl

(Katherine) Yuri Dae Q Juliana how did you all get up here?

(Min-ho) hi babe

(Katherine) Min-ho

(Yuri) *hugging kitty* we missed you

(Katherine) I missed you guys too

(Q) how's our bestie?

(Katherine) my heart is in my chest but I'm good

(Min-ho) let's let her change before we start our day with her

(Yuri) alright

(Katherine) *hugging Min-ho* thank you *kisses Min-ho*

(Dae) *looking by doorway*

(Min-ho) anything for you babe *kisses kitty* go change and will go hangout with everyone

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