Chapter 9

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(Min-ho) *knocking on door*

(Lara) *opening door* yes?

(Min-ho) hi I'm Min-ho

(Lara) thee Min-ho that likes my sister?

(Min-ho) you heard about that?

(Lara) my sister was the reason I met my Peter I'm sure you'll become her Min-ho

(Min-ho) where is your sister?

(Peter) covey little Covey isn't answering her door

(Lara) she may still be sleeping but you can come in Min-ho kitty was up early on the phone so I don't know how late she went to sleep

(Min-ho) that's alright we have friends from kiss that we'll call early in the morning while we're here and they are in Seoul

(Lara) so Min-ho

(Peter) what's going on with you and little Covey?

(Min-ho) I asked kitty to be my girlfriend

(Margot) really? *squealing* what did she say?

(Min-ho) theirs more people in this house?

(Margot) theirs eight of us here, my boyfriend is asleep and my dad and step mom are asleep

(Peter) including little Covey

(Min-ho) you call her Covey too

(Peter) it's their last name but it's a nickname I call them too

(Margot) besides our dad

(Peter) Mr.Covey

(Min-ho) I've actually met him and his wife Trina at the airport the day I arrived with kitty

(Margot) kitty should be up soon

(Min-ho) should I sit and wait here

(Margot) wait here I'll go check on my sister

(Peter) I want to have a soon to be brother in law to the man that will be planning to date my sister in law I wanna say don't hurt kitty, or you'd deal with me I always protected Lj even if we were in a pretend relationship in our highschool year we fell for each other thanks to kitty

(Min-ho) you were pen pals to in a relationship kitty always told me how she helped get you two together and it's what she had with Dae but I'm not Dae

(Lara) because your you and Dae is himself everyone's different and maybe youd have some grand gesture to get kitty

(Min-ho) I need a grand gesture to get her back into kiss for second semester the school won't take her back but I'm working with a friend to get her back in as long as kitty is placed in a good dorm room with another girl that won't record her

(Margot) what about putting her in a dorm room with Yuri the girl that pretend dated Dae and who's mother is a principal

(Min-ho) I'll talk with Yuri about it

(Katherine) hey guys *walking downstairs*

(Lara) morning kitty

(Min-ho) kitty

(Katherine) Min-ho *looking towards sofa* when did you get here?

(Min-ho) a little bit ago but I sat with them to talk

(Katherine) I'll go get ready for today then *walking back upstairs*

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