Chapter 12

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(Lara) I have all of you here because I need your help

(Margot) wedding planning?

(Katherine) we would love to help you LJ

(Lara) well I need bridesmaids so Margot Kitty I want you two to be two of my bridesmaids and Peter will ask Min-ho and Josh to help out as best men

(Katherine) is it weird to have Min-ho in the wedding party? Jest because he sorta is my boyfriend but I'm sorta also getting over my break up with Dae

(Lara) relax kitty it's totally fine he's your boyfriend and in the family party

(Margot) are you excited to be to be Mrs Lara Jean song Covey Kavinsky soon

(Lara) that will be a long name but I think Peter will have us go by Mr and Mrs.Kavinsky

(Trina) I feel your wedding should be kept with your culture the same way your father and I kept it with both of our cultures

(Lara) I wouldn't want to go all out and take over the wedding with all of my culture and nothing of Peter's

(Margot) maybe talk with Peter on decorations you guys would want to do

(Lara) we do but he is kinda excited to wear a traditional Korean robe

(Katherine) like the way I had warn one in Seoul for a flag dance Yuri and I did but that didn't end well

(Lara) what happened?

(Katherine) accidentally hit something that sparked up a small fire on my robe

(Lara) well will definitely be careful

(Margot) are you going to use a dress or a traditional robe as well?

(Lara) modern korean weddings allow the bride and groom to wear a white dress and a suit half of the event and after the ceremony the use a traditional Korean wedding attire, female relatives of the couple wear hanbok, the mother of the bride wears a pink one, while the mother of the groom a blue one

(Katherine) you should do that since it does keep tradition the same way mom did with dad

(Lara) I'd be happy too

(Margot) you do need a guest list as well like friends and relatives from both sides

(Katherine) could I invite some friends of Seoul?

(Lara) your friends are welcome to join kitty, for Peter it may be his parents, brother and step brothers and for us it's you two, dad and step mom as well as aunt Carrie, uncle victor and cousin haven

(Katherine) that's a good list though

(Lara) who would you want to invite?

(Katherine) a small amount of people jest Yuri, Dae, Q and Min-ho's mom Dami

(Lara) I will get them all invitations

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