Chapter 17

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- Peter Kavinsky & Lara Jean Song Covey Wedding -

(Lara) today's the day

(Dan) I'm so happy for you sweetie I wish your mom could see you here now

(Lara) I have you and Trina here and all of my loved ones

(Dan) are you ready to walk down the isle sweetie?

(Lara) I'm ready dad

(Owen) *walking down carrying rings*

(Clayton) *walking down isle with Everett*

(Katherine) *walking down isle with Min-ho*

(Margot) *walking down isle with josh*

(Dan) *walking Lara down isle with trina*

(Peter) *holding hand out*

(Dan) congratulations you two *placing Lara's hand in peters*

(Peter) *facing lara*

(P) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this woman in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. ... Through God, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds

(Priest) peter repeat after me I Peter take you Lara jean to be my wife....

(Peter) I, peter, take you, lara jean to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

(Priest) Lara jean repeat after me I Lara take you Peter to be my husband....

(Lara) I, Lara jean, take you, Peter too be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

(Priest) before we ask for the rings we ask does anyone here object of this wedding

(Katherine) no one objects

(Priest) then may we have the rings

(Owen) *handing Lara and Peter rings*

(Priest) Peter do you take Lara jean to be your wife?

(Peter) I do

(Priest) Lara Jean do you take Peter to be your husband?

(Lara) I do

(Priest) I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride

(Lara) *exchanging rings with peter*

(Peter) *kissing lara*

(Priest) I give you Mr and Mrs.Kavinsky

(Katherine) *cheering* way go Lara

(Henery) that's my boy

(Gayle) way to go son

(John) whooo!

(Peter) *walking down isle with lara*

(Katheirne) the newlyweds *holding Min-ho's hand*

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