Chapter 14

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- Boys day -

(Peter) Min-ho you made it

(Min-ho) I'm part of your wedding planning after all

(Peter) well I needed you, Josh, Owen, Everett and Clayton because you boys are the groomsmen of the wedding

(Owen) if their are five of us who is all on the bridesmaids side?

(Peter) Lara has said it's kitty who would walk with Min-ho and Margot with Josh

(Josh) well seven of us unless we split sides of both

(Everett) you do need a ring berrar so how about I be it then you'd have three and three on both sides, Kitty, Min-ho and Owen then Margot, Josh and Clayton

(Peter) *writing ideas down* that's a good one I'll suggest that to Lara

(Min-ho) the wedding is in two weeks but I do also fly back after the wedding is over

(Peter) where do you go?

(Min-ho) I have to be back in Seoul before the next semester starts up at kiss academy

(Peter) oh little Covey and you have to leave the day after the wedding then

(Min-ho) yes about that

(Peter) what's going on?

(Min-ho) kitty can't tell this to her father because she doesn't want him to know but kitty was expelled from kiss and now me, Yuri and our friends are trying to get her back before the semester starts up

(Peter) what-what do you mean expelled? What did little Covey do?

(Min-ho) it's the school's fault kitty got placed in the male dorms and it's against school conduct for a girl to be staying in a boys dorm but they put her name as song Covey instead of Katherine song Covey it's the school's fault she was expelled but Yuri is the mother of our principal so their working things out

(Peter) if things don't work kitty will have to tell Dan and Trina why she isn't going back with you and her friends after the wedding

(Min-ho) that's right kitty is having them come to Portland for your wedding

(Peter) she invited your friends Yuri, Julianna Yuris partner, Dae and Q

(Min-ho) atleast they can bring good news or be there for the last visit with kitty before we are all long distance again

(Peter) I wish you guys the best

(Min-ho) thank you, we should get back to helping out with the planning

(Peter) as far as I know kitty and Margot will be wearing baby blue dresses

(Min-ho) try ocean blue for the men if your looking for a good color tone to match with the ladies

(Peter) good idea

(Everett) will all men be in ocean blue suits?

(Peter) that should be the plan and we're letting guests wear any color except white because they would match my bride and Lara is the only one in white I'm looking for

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