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Killua found himself in a waiting room with Momo and Kendo from class 1-B, who were both speculating why they'd been chosen. However Killua could already guess why, giving one thing they all had in common. All three of them were decently attractive according to beauty standards, it was the only thing all three of them had in common. Uwabami walked in, the trio of snakes on her head quietly hissing. "Wonderful, you're all here. Come." They were led into another room, in which Uwabami sat down and started explaining how the internship was going to go. "Additionally heroes are allowed to have side jobs, there were a lot of arguments when the world of pros was first being established, but heroes ended up being so popular, the public demanded it."

Killua placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed manner, he didn't much care about being all proper and impressive, although he most likely should. "For example, I'm about to film a commercial. Stick around, alright?" She said, touching up her makeup. Kendo seemed to be slightly confused. "Uh, well. I was kinda hoping I'd see something a little more action-y-" Momo spoke up. "No! This sort of attention is something you can't avoid as a pro, besides she was kind enough to offer her wisdom to an unworthy student. I'll take every lesson she has to give!" Kendo and Killua stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. She's taking this way too seriously.

"Okay...but isn't there anything else we can do while you film this commercial or whatever?" Kendo asked in Uwabami's general direction, as the pro was prepping for her commercial. She laughed softly and turned to them. "Do you know why I chose you three? Any ideas?" Kendo started to speak, but Momo spoke over her. "It must be because you saw such heroic potential in us!" Uwabami chuckled. "Of course I did, but there's another reason." Killua let out a sigh. "It's because we're attractive, isn't it." he said flatly. The two hero course students shot him doubtful looks. Uwabami laughed softly. "Cute and smart? That's quite a treasure. Indeed, you three are very cute."


The three heroes in training were forced to sit through and watch all thirty six takes of the commercial Uwabami was filming. Momo took notes, hilariously desperate to drag some sort of useful information out of this. Killua was hoping to just enjoy the silence, however Kendo had other plans. "So you're the 1-A transfer student, huh?" Killua just nodded, without replying. Kendo hummed softly. "I'm curious, what's your quirk?" Killua sighed. "Body manipulation." Kendo was about to speak but Killua decided to just answer the question he knew was coming. "It's exactly what it sounds like really. I can manipulate my body in unusual ways."

He decided not to specify what exactly those ways were, as it would be smarter. Kendo contemplated his answer. "Interesting, where did you transfer from?" Killua huffed. "Nowhere you've ever heard of." he said jokingly. Although, that was true. Kendo laughed a bit as well, taking the hint and deciding against asking more questions. Approximately ten seconds later, Uwabami finished her photoshoot and walked back over. "So here's the plan. You three will be taking part in a hair commercial, you have two days to rehearse. Any questions?"

Momo looked completely mortified, obviously realizing there would be no actual hero work at this agency being done. Uwabami let out a hearty laugh. "Don't worry dear, after we're done filming we can go on patrol and learn some on that." Momo let out a disappointed sigh. Killua felt a bit bad in all honesty, that girl had really been looking forward to doing actual hero work. Killua on the other hand didn't really mind, he'd once joked about becoming a model after a particular comment by one of his friends. Killua didn't generally like going too far outside of his comfort zone but this was ok.

After a long string of rehearsals for the commercial they were going to film, the three were all stuck in the same room. Kendo rubbed the back of her head. "I don't quite get why...you're here." she said slowly. Killua rolled his eyes. "Because we're interning at the same agency?" Momo coughed. "She's right though...shouldn't you get your own dorm because you're a guy..?" Killua blinked. Wait, they're right. That was indeed quite strange. Especially when he realized there was only one bed. I don't need a bed anyways. Killua shrugged. "Whatever." he walked over to the far corner of the room where there was decent space.

"You're going to sleep on the floor?" Kendo asked, slightly concerned. Killua sent a glare in her direction. "No, I'm sleeping in the ceiling," he said, sarcastically. "The hell does it look like?" Kendo looked a bit hurt, and Momo shook her head. "Ignore him, he's just a jerk..." Killua internally scoffed. Please, I can be more of an ass if I wanted to. Killua stared at the ceiling for a long while, thinking. A grin split across his face as he realized there was a hook screwed into it. Killua stood up with a stretch, then exited the room. Killua spent the next hour and a half walking into stores, looking for a very specific piece of furniture.

After a while of searching he eventually found it and his eyes shined. Killua quickly purchased the item, then brought it back to the room. It was lightweight, durable, and comfortable. The two girls watched him in curiosity as he started unfolding pieces of mesh, tying together loops of rope. He constructed the hammock, then laid down inside of it with a sigh of contentment. Man, hammocks always feel nice. He wasn't quite sure why either, perhaps the weightlessness of it all.

He found himself very comfortable, something that was almost foreign to him. Killua's eyes closed, and he simply let himself relax. It felt nice, he should really find time to just relax more often. Maybe this school isn't so bad...

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To be continued...

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