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"Oooh, sleek. I like it! You may go sit down now." Killua made his way back to his seat, making an attempt to hide his irritation at himself. Ryoshi quite literally meant hunter in Japanese, which was exactly what he was. A hunter. Although with that thought in mind, he had an idea for what he wanted to embroider on the back of his hero outfit. And it'll be useful, if i have the hunter symbol on my back, anyone that has knowledge of them will definitely try to contact me. It was like in this society, heroes had replaced the hunters. Or perhaps hunters had never existed here. The bell rang, and Killua inspected his internship sheet. He was going to some woman named Uwabami's agency. I wonder who she is.

Killua and Bakugou were walking home together, discussing internships. "I'm picking Best Jeanist, he's ranked pretty high." Bakugou was saying. Killua nodded. "Yeah, he is. Although I wonder why he picked you, logically speaking. As he prefers elegance over...what you've got." he said, with a slight grin. Bakugou scoffed. "He made an offer for me, not the other way around. So, what was your offer for?" Killua laughed. "Someone named Uwabami-" , "HAH?" Killua blinked at Bakugou's shock. "Is there an issue...?" Bakugou huffed. "No, but I'm more surprised you don't know who she is. She's all over the internet, she's a damn celebrity. "

Killua snorted. "What kind of celebrity? There's a lot of shit I don't watch on T.V." Bakugou shot him a dry look. "Some sort of fashion celebrity, hence why I'm surprised you've never heard of her." Killua laughed. "I- I know that was supposed to be an insult, but that was actually a compliment." Bakugou growled a little. "SHUT UP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WATCH ON T.V! ALL I KNOW IS YOU TAKE FOREVER IN THE DAMN CLOSET EVERY MORNING." Killua growled back. "PERFECTION DOESN'T HAPPEN NATURALLY, KATSUKI!." Then he grinned. "But of course you wouldn't know that." Bakugou froze for a moment, eye twitching. "The hell did you just say to me?"

Killua walked away with an innocent whistle. "YOU GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT-" Killua had to dodge under an explosion as Bakugou came at him. He bolted back to their house, snickering. "Catch me if you can baaaka!" There was a frustrated yell from behind him as Bakugou just couldn't seem to catch up. Since they were in public he couldn't use the full extent of his power, plus where Bakugou had the advantage with brute force Killua was much faster than him. Or at least, that's what Bakugou believed. Once they had gotten to the front porch, Killua decided to pull a move he'd been dying to try.

He darted forward with 40% more speed, then leapt backwards and landed on his shoulders. Killua quickly locked his legs around Bakugou's neck. In practice, he'd generally couple this with grabbing the hair of his opponent and snapping the neck or hitting the pressure point of the target. However, he sure as hell would never attempt that on Bakugou. Bakugou was stunned for a fraction of a second, before grabbing at him. "THE HELL!? GET OFF ME!" Killua felt him grab his shirt and Killua decided to let him throw him to the ground. Killua let out a soft wheeze as the air was knocked out of his lungs, sitting up. "THE HELL WAS THAT?" Bakugou yelled.

Killua let out a chuckle. "A new move I've been working on, decided to use it on you. Although in battle I'd probably also choke my opponent." Bakugou gave him a baffled and slightly put off look. "With your thighs-?" Killua flushed a little from embarrassment at the statement. "E-Eh!? No! With my hands, what the fuck Katsuki-" Bakugou helped him up. "The hell was I supposed to know you meant your hands." Killua glared at him. "You really think I'd choke someone with my thighs?" I mean, I could, theoretically. I have enough power. "Boys-" Bakugou and Killua glanced over at the door where Mitsuki was staring awkwardly at them. "what...?" She was genuinely speechless, and Killua realized she didn't hear the whole conversation.

He quickly cleared up the situation. "I was practicing a new combat move on Katsuki, and when I said usually I'd choke my opponent he thought I meant with my thighs since I was sitting on his shoulders." He flicked Bakugou between the eyes. "Dumbass-" Mitsuki snorted. "You two have such lovely conversations." she said, sarcastically. Bakugou flinched a bit from the flick, then growled. "It just seemed like something you'd do!" Killua huffed. "I might be gay but I'm not that gay." Killua blinked, the two had gone quiet for some reason and were just staring at him. "Wait, you're gay?" Mitsuki said, sounding surprised.

Killua just stared at them, immensely confused. "I thought this was already common knowledge." it's not like he tried to hide it, although he supposed he didn't carry a pride pin around with him everywhere or announce it. "Anyways." Mitsuki said, when the awkward silence dragged on for way too long. "Today we're having a special dinner in front of the T.V." Mitsuki said, with a smile. Bakugou frowned. "But we never-" Mitsuki cleared her throat. "How does that sound, Killua?"

About ten minutes later he and the Bakugou family were sitting on the couch, plates on their laps, and watching some boring T.V show. Masaru seemed very invested, but nobody else did. It was more bearable since everyone was paying attention to the T.V instead of looking at him. Killua zoned out a little as he nibbled on the bacon on his plate. Man...I really miss them. Killua found himself with an empty space in his heart, a space that was once filled with the little makeshift family he'd formed during the hunter exam. Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, mostly Gon. All of them had some sort of purpose, a goal in life. But Killua...he didn't. He never really had.

That was part of the whole reason he'd decided to go off on his own, to find some sort of purpose or meaning for his own. But instead he'd been transported to an unfamiliar place, with no way to return. And somehow he ended up in a hero school of all places. He liked staying with the Bakugou family, but it felt like a part of him was missing. Killua quietly excused himself from the meal, before going up to his room and pulling out his broken beetle phone. His brow narrowed in concentration as he attempted to affix the spare parts that had come in the mail today to it, he'd fix this damn thing if it was the last thing he did. Then maybe, possibly. He'd get back some of what he'd lost.

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To be continued...

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