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Fwhip glared at the way Jimmy and Scott danced with each other, the way Scott would have a flash of hurt in his gaze made him feel angry and frustrated.

"Hey, you okay?" He heard a voice perk up beside him, turning around to spot a blonde with a slight beard raising one eyebrow at him, the blondes white and silver lined blouse shining in Fwhip's eyes.

The blonde wore a skull with a cod wrapped around it and murky, green water trailing behind the cod badge that was on his right chest.

His blouse was unbuttoned to reveal his peck, making Fwhip scrunch his face internally, and he wore a sword on his belt that was on his left, unlike Fwhip's (which was on his right).

His pants gently hovered over his feet, which had black shoes with a silver outline, his murky green pants gently swaying like the waves of the ocean, like the beaches waves, like the sea's waves, as if someone had put something in the blonde's pants to make it sway that way, like the ocean, as he stated.

Fwhip sighed, "I . . . I don't know, just a little frustration." Fwhip clarified, returning to the blonde's question.

The blonde not breaking his stare, "Look, if this is about prince Scott and Jimmy dancing, I know, it's weird." The blonde nodded towards the ginger, Fwhip hesitatingly nodding.

"Well, yes, it's kind of that." Fwhip responded, the blonde then smirking, "You like prince Scott?" He asked, making Fwhip flush a deep shade of red.

"No no! Well, I'm his 'body guard', it'd be against the law to like him!" Fwhip chuckled nervously, clearly lying, making the blonde huff in sarcasm.

"And then Jimmy doesn't crush on prince Scott, it's obvious, you like the prince, Scott." He shrugged, Fwhip chuckled nervously, feeling nervousness and unease prick the air when seeing Scott look at him with a confused gaze.

"You can't tell anyone." Fwhip threateningly growled, the blonde nodding and sticking out a hand, "Martyn. Otherwise know as Martyn-In-The-Little-Wood." He nodded, spitting in his hand, making Fwhip scrunch his face slightly.

"Fwhip." He nodded gracefully twirling his wrist to shake, the two shook hands and Fwhip nodded once they let go.

"Is it a tradition in the Ocean empire to spit or something? . . ." Fwhip asked Martyn, Martyn huffing in return snd letting out a relatively loud chuckle.

"Yeah, and it's a tradition in the Ice kingdom to do a fancy trick when shaking hands?" Martyn asked, straightening up, Fwhip nodded, sighing loudly before clenching his fists. "Hey, dude, calm down." Martyn said, Fwhip sighed and released his clenched fists.

"It's just . . . hard, to see your crush just kiss someone else that has a crush on them." Fwhip sighed, shrugging and pinching the space in between his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't know, but it must be hard." Martyn responded, shrugging while fiddling with his cod badge on his left chest, while another was on the right.

"It is, butI should probably let it go, as if I would ever get together it's him!" Fwhip laughed uneasily, making Martyn huff in laughter.

"I hate to say it, but it's kind-of true, I mean, if prince Scott's older brother stayed, you might've not had this trouble!" Martyn chuckled, Fwhip chuckling in return.

"Also, did you know that Scott does actually have 'an-Elves-charm'?" Martyn asked, making Fwhip perk his head up in curiosity. "What's that?" Fwhip asked, Martyn laugh in return.

"You don't know? Surprising as his servant." Martyn huffed in laughter, making Fwhip puff his chest out and straighten his back in slight annoyance (and being slightly offended).

"Well, are you going to tell me?" Fwhip countered, staring intently in Martyn's eyes, making Martyn laugh with uease and nervousness from the way Fwhip was definitely taller than him, even if he wasn't straightening his back, but Martyn was almost his height, Fwhip must admit.

"Yup, an Elves charm is something that an elf species or hybrid hasn't had since one thousand years ago! It's something when an elf if able to attract anyone just bust saying a few words or by their look, it's obvious because the first elf discovered with that, his name was Aeor, he attracted almost all the women until this one time his brother got mad and battled him, obviously, Aeor won, his brother, Xeor, had left the Ice kingdom with rage and decided to 'curse' another elf in one thousand years with the same curse."

Martyn took a breath before continuing, Fwhip intrigued by the story and listening intently.

"Xeor than made sure to curse either an elf in this era with the curse, one of the royal family and the 'champion-of-Aeor' and make one, the other brother, worship him, which, when 'price' Xornoth left, he started forming some weird seeable balck veins and had black stumps on his head that brought an uncomfortable sensation in the air. I know this because I was a bodyguard almost my entire life, when I was seventeen, I met the past bodyguard of the Icekingdom, who brought Xornoth, who talked to me for a while. It was strange, Xornoth's time wasn't like how it was before, slightly kind, slightly forgiving, when I talked to him, his voice was full of pride and hunger for fear."

Martyn shuddered, making Fwhip tilt his head, starting to think more deeply.

"It's not only me that thinks that Xornoth is the one Xeor has cursed, even prince Scott thinks it was his former older brother." Martyn continued, "And many people believe prince Scott has the elf charm since now, it is one thousand years from that time, and since Xornoth is now represented as the new 'Xeor', it must mean the Scott is the new 'Aeor', but, I believe that Aeor may not like prince Scott since prince Scott used to be called 'princess-Scarlet'. And I don't think Aeor would approve of someone like Scott, I'm not homophobic, but prince Scott is Trans, correct?" Martyn asked, Fwhip nodded.

"Okay then, back in Aeor's time, I don't think." Martyn cut himself off upon hearing Scott approach the two, glaring at them.

"Excuse me?" Scott asked, Fwhip looking at him with nervousness, Martyn tripped over his words when Scott got close and held up a sharp blade to his throat.

"Enough, Martyn, how about you stop telling Fwhip fibs and actually do your job." Scott hissed, and the way he said Martyn made the blonde's name sound like an insult.

"It's not a fib though! You might had the 'an-Elves-charm'! Everyone's been thinking about it!" Martyn exclaimed, Scott glowing in return.

"I don't care about that, I just do not like when you speak of my brother, he was a threat to the Ice kingdom from the start, trust me." Scott hissed, tucking the blonde in his skirt and backing away, going to the dance floor to the bar.

"Hey Fwhip, find out what he means by that and tell me." Martyn whispered in the Ginger's ear, Fwhip shaking his head, however.

"I'll find out, but I think it's best that I not tell you."


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