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Fwhip woke up from Scott gently shaking him, he looked up at the cyan haired male and smiled weakly, "Hey Scott! How are you? Did you get a good night sleep?" Fwhip hurriedly asked, standing up and rubbing his eyes.

"I am well, thank you, you remember that today is the ball, correct?" Scott asked, raising one eyebrow while slightly side-eyeing Fwhip, Fwhip nodded and gave a small thumbs up.

"Yes! Of course your highness!" He nodded, bowing, Scott backed up two steps and coughed awkwardly, "Well, I have a dress ready that I'll be putting on once we go out, just to let you know. For now, I need you to help clean up the Stag's pen, come with me." Scott nodded, trotting away.

Fwhip admired the beautiful prince, he shook his head and huffed tiredly, he walked behind Scott, following the other out of the castle and into a fancy looking pen that was decorated with golden leaves and vines.

"See this stag?" Scott chuckled softly, going inside the pen and approaching the giant, grey furred stag that had elegant golden horns and white furred chest.

"Yes . . ." Fwhip responded, his breath taken away from the beautiful animal, the way the golden gleamed in the sunlight and gently bowed as Scott petted it's head, a warm smile planted on the prince's lips, the stag gently nudging against Scott's gloved hands.

"I need you to clean their pen, I'll get them out so you can properly clean their den, thank you," Scott nodded to Fwhip, a smile still on his lips.

The cyan haired prince mounted the stag gracefully, his skirt gently flowing on his ankles, Scott gently flicked one of his loose cyan hair strands out of of his view.

Scott gently pressed his knees together, signalling for the stag to move out of the pen, the stag doing so. Fwhip watched as the two beautiful creatures gently trotted out of the pen, the stag's golden horns matching the same gold linen that was on Scott's corset.

Fwhip turned to the pen, hurriedly cleaning it as the beautiful sound of clinks from the stags decoration on it's antlers clinked together as it trotted with Scott in it's back.

He rushed up to Scott who was waving at the civilians that stalked around the village that was not to far from the castle, the long-haired prince turned to face Fwhip, with a small smile on his lips.

"Done?" He asked, Fwhip nodded and Scott smiled, bucking his knees gently together, telling the stag to hurry up to the pen that was cleaned out.

The stag, which appeared to be, gave a firm nod to the prince and ran off, Fwhip confused as hell. He turned to the civilian who was looking at him, she nodded and had a small smile on her face.

Her hair was a nice orange colour, almost like Gem's, but one of her arms looked like it had stitches on it, the skin that was connected by stitches reflected a medium murky blue, unlike her pale skin that had slight green tint.

"Hello, you must be the new servant the king was talking about?" She asked, doing a small bow, she had black pants with a murky green blouse lined with gold, the buttons also in a shining gold.

"Yes, indeed I am." He nodded, bowing. "Good to know, my name is Cleo, one of the civilians, there's many more around here, but some are busy or out with the king." She nodded, Fwhip nodding in return.

"Also, something you must know." She said, tossing him a gold chain, "All people in the Ice kingdom wear gold, I think you should as well otherwise some people will believe that you are an intruder." She hissed, turning away with her long, wavy orange hair brushing behind her.

He nodded slowly, then walking away to go with the prince, nodding a short good-bye to Cleo, who just folded her arms and nodded back solemnly.

"Alright! . . . Someone scary named Cleo, I should note that and tell Gem." He whispered to himself, rushing to the prince who was petting the stag and feeding it golden carrots.

"Oh Fwhip! I assume that you talked to Cleo, right?" Scott asked, his smile wider than ever while gently glancing at the stag, gently hugging it's neck.

Fwhip nodded hesitantly, "Yeah, she's kind of . . . Cleo." He shrugged, stuttering, Scott nodded, laughing lovingly, making Fwhip blush and smile softly.

"Oh yeah, she's like that, don't mind her, she's like a second mother to me, very protective of me." He chuckled softly, shaking his head while chuckling gently and his gaze relaxed while looking at Fwhip.

Fwhip nodded and showed him the gold chain, explaining what she said, Scott nodding, "Ah yes, that, it's a rumour that has been going on in all the other kingdoms that if someone isn't wearing gold in the Ice kingdom, it means that they are an intruder or they'll be beheaded by the king or queen or another royal." Scott huffed, shrugging.

"I don't know why that rumour started." He responded after that, Fwhip staring at Scott with wide eyes, "Oh my g-" Fwhip started by to cut off by a stern shout from Scott and the stag shot it's head up, looking at Fwhip with stern eyes.

"We don't say 'god' here." Scott snarled, letting go of the stag and approaching Fwhip, even if he was shorter than Fwhip, he was very menacing just glaring at Fwhip.

"It's offensive to some and second of all, our champion is Aeor, so we say 'Aeor'." He hissed at Fwhip, he gently rested his hands on Fwhip's throat making Fwhip blush but also stare in panic.

"Maybe I will behead you." Scott hissed, his cold hands, even with the gloves on, shooting through Fwhip's veins. Fwhip panicked and mumbled 'please let go', which to Scott obliged, letting go.

"Say Aeor, please, and remind me of the ball!" Scott sighed, stepping away from Fwhip and closing the gate to the stag's pen.


A Prince and A Royal || Smajor1995 x FwhipWhere stories live. Discover now