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Jimmy fiddled with his blazer that he wore, it was already pretty late in the night and he wondered if he should just stay here and wait or go back to his kingdom and talk to Scott tomorrow.

That was until the door opened, revealing a ginger who's forehead was slightly damped with sweat and his eyes slightly squinted, as if sleep was just on the brink of making him pass out.

Jimmy knew it was Fwhip, which he could only snarl too, but just walked inside without a formal greeting, earning a annoyed huff from Fwhip, who closed the doors when Jimmy was inside.

"What are you here for, Ocean prince?" Fwhip asked, bowing, Jimmy sighed and sat on the nearest couch, folding his arms to neatly rest on his lap.

"I'm here for Scott, where is he?" Jimmy asked, a threatening glare casting on the ginger.

Fwhip sighed and headed upstairs, going to Scott's room, to which he heard soft snores coming from inside the room. He opened the door to Scott's room and spotted the prince sleeping on the bed with all his clothes on.

"Come up." Fwhip instructed to Jimmy, who only hissed but obliged, trekking up the stairs to Scott's room, his cod-tail gently sweeping against the floor.

Jimmy peeked through the door and his face immediately softened upon spotting the cyan haired prince gently resting on the bed.

He approached the sleeping prince and gently sat next to him, looking at Scott's chest as it rose and fell, matching with his breathing pace, his elf ears gently twitching when Jimmy would near his hand close to the Ice kingdom prince's hair.

Jimmy gently shook Scott, who fluttered his eyes open and softly groaned, he hugged Jimmy's arm and pulled the blonde close, which made Jimmy unintentionally smile.

"Scott." Jimmy hissed softly, Scott opening his eyes once again and sitting up, a faint angered look on his face. "What is it." Scott dully said, straightening his back to look more formal.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the ball, it's just that, I . . ." Jimmy trailed off, but Jimmy knew what Scott was thinking, and sadly, Jimmy knew it was true.

"You like Sausage instead of me? I know. It's okay, I never really had feelings for you anyway." Scott lied, and it kind of hurt because of the way he remembered when they were teenagers and hesitated huge crush on oblivious Jimmy.

"I think I stopped liking you ever since I spent this night with Sausage, yeah, I know, only three hours and then deciding that I like Sausage more than you, it's stupid, I know, but that's what I am." Jimmy sighed, shaking his head.

Scott only huffed in return, "So, you're telling me, that when I kissed you at the ball, it was a for nothing?" Scott hissed, his voice cracking as he gripped on the bed sheets tightly.

Jimmy wildly shook his head, "No no! It was just like a friendly kiss anyway!" He chuckled sheepishly, Scott's eyebrows furrowing.

"So, you never actually liked me, it was never true feelings." Scott's eyes started daringly filling with tears that stung even more than a wasps deadly sting.

Jimmy sighed, he couldn't deny that, he just stayed quiet while Scott's sobs were the only things that made the room lively.

Fwhip edged closer and sat next to Scott, gently hugging the prince, who hugged the ginger immediately, crying into the others arms.

"I don't love you, Jimmy, but it hurts to know that our bond was nothing special after all." Scott sniffed, crying into Fwhip's arms, who would be gently stroking his long hair.

"Maybe." Jimmy hesitantly stuttered out, swallowing a lump that stuck in his throat, that dared to spew out with tears if he spoke even more.

"Leave." Was the only thing Jimmy heard from Fwhip before standing up and leaving, watching from afar that Scott would cry into Fwhip's arms and Fwhip gently kissing his forehead.

Yes, he's a servant to the Ice kingdom, they have some tradition where when someone is sad, kissing them is a way of comforting, in a friendly or romantic manner.

Jimmy knew that. But it made him flare up with fury and jealousy, he doesn't even know what he is anymore, in his eyes, he'll always be a friend to Scott, but only if the other prince wants to.

Now he knows how Scott felt when seeing him Sausage, just by looking at how lovingly Fwhip would look at Scott made jealously spike in Jimmy's hear.

Jimmy only left in a swift pace trying to think of why Fwhip was looking at Scott like that.

And there was only one thing he dared to think.

They were together.

In a relationship.

A servant and a royal.


The End

A Prince and A Royal || Smajor1995 x FwhipOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora