The beginning

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"Eonniieee." Jae shouted as soon as she entered her sister's house. She grinned when Daehyun, who had opened the door for her, winced at her loud voice.

"Hey oppa, wassup?" She asked him as she hopped around, trying to remove her shoes.

"How are you so early today? And why are you at our house?" Daehyun asked, glaring at her in mock annoyance and Jae offered him a sickly sweet smile.

"Because you stole my sister away from me and keep her here." She slipped on the purple slippers they kept specifically for her and rushed into the house, hollering for her sister.

"Yaah, brat, keep your voice down, will you? The neighbours complain every time you are over." Hyeri swatted at Jae's hand when she tried to steal some fried bacon from the kitchen counter.

"Wash your hands, in fact, go wash up before you enter my kitchen." She scolded. Jae rolled her eyes and sneaked a piece before she walked out of the kitchen.

Jae returned to the kitchen again after washing her feet, hands and face thoroughly and stole a few more pieces of bacon. She hopped up to sit on the counter and started munching on her snack. Hyeri glared but went back to cutting more bacon now that she knew Jae was going to stay for dinner.

"How are you so early today? Did your company shut down or something?" Hyeri asked, surprised at the rare event that Jae was back from her office early in the evening rather than at dinner time.

"Aniya, how can Bighit ever shut down when it has BTS? Our department just finished a big project and we had a celebratory lunch. No one was in a mood to work, not that there is anything to work on. So the manager let us go early today."

"Ahh, it's your first project after being promoted to senior Data analyst right?" Daehyun asked, coming to stand behind his wife and casually back hugging her for recharge. Jae scrunched up her nose in disgust at her sister and brother-in-law's PDA and ignored them while she answered his question.

"Ye, I was so excited. Just a few more projects, at most 2-3 years and I'll be able to apply to an even more senior position. And by then I'll have enough saved up to start visiting the countries I want. Hopefully, I'll have a soulmate as well to travel with me."

"Who knows what kind of soulmate you'll get? What if he's a lazy bum? Mine was definitely not how I expected." Hyeri shrugged, winking at Jae.

"Excuse me?" Daehyun hadn't seen the exchange so both sisters burst out in laughter at his offended expression.

"I was just kidding, jagiya." Hyeri turned around, rose on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss on her soulmate's still pouty lips.

Jae imitated a gagging gesture and Hyeri rolled her eyes.

"Yaah, you are gonna be the same once you find your soulmate. Get off that counter and come help me now." Jae was about to obey her eonnie when her phone pinged with notification.

"Eonnie." She shrieked, "Taehyung is live."

"Woah really?" Hyeri's eyes widened with excitement as she abandoned her cutting board and knife to go peek into Jae's phone. They watched as Taehyung looked at the screen lazily, waiting for ARMYs to join while muttering greetings. There was apparently someone moving behind the camera and Taehyung looked at whoever was in the room with utter adoration and something akin to heart eyes.

"Woah, is he looking at staff like that? Whoever he's looking at is surely lucky." Jae sighed dreamily.

"Who knows, this is how he looks around half of the time. So he might just be teasing us. He knows the effect he has on us." Hyeri commented and Jae nodded, knowing his intense looks were most probably part of his on-camera personality and charm.

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