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i get a call from bill.
"y/n, we're waiting for you!!" he says impatiently.
"okay? is tom there?" i ask him biting my fingers.
"yeah obviously, why?" he says.
"no reason" i say with a smile. bill definitely knows. bill is my best friend. tom doesn't seem to have much interest in me, even though we have a flirty friendship, he has to be my friend though because gustav is my brother. im also very interested in guitar. i've been begging tom to teach me how to play for as long as i've known him, he always just says "later". i get another call, but this time it's from gastuv.
"yes?" i say
"will you hurry we're going to the hotel" he says
"what?! you're supposed to be waiting for me!!??"i say confused.
"shit i forgot" he laughs.
"asshole" i roll my eyes
"im kidding we've been outside for 30 minutes"
my eyes grow large. that means tom heard what i said to bill.
i grab my bags and makeup.
"im coming" i say walking to the door.
"come faster!!" tom yells in a moan.
"ugh gross that's my sister!!??"
my face goes red.
"coming asshole" i say.
i hang up and georg meets me at the front door and puts my bags up for me. i open the door to the tour bus and the only seat was next to bill and tom. unless i sit on the floor. "like your seat?" gustav laughs. i shrug and smile. "im not complaining" i say as i walk up the stairs with georg behind me. tom has his legs wide, that's how he usually sits. i go to the seat and tom moves his hand from the seat. "i didn't say you had to move" i smirk. he smirks back. "no" gustav says. i roll my eyes and put my legs on bill and lay my head on toms shoulder.
"how far is the hotel?" i ask.
"about two hours" bill says with a smile.
georg does a sudden stop and i almost fall into gustav but bill grabs my legs as tom grabs my waist. blushing, i look at him. he smiles and laughs. bill moves his hands on my thighs. "im sorry is this okay? i don't want you to fall" he smiles. "im not complaining" i wink. he rolls his eyes and smiles. tom grips his hands. his hands were under my jacket so only me and him knew where they were. i fall asleep for about an hour. i wake up to my head in a pillow on toms lap. i turn my head as tom adjusts himself. i look at gustav and bill and they're sleeping. i look at tom. he's already looking at me. "im sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep" i say rubbing the sides of my thighs. "no don't worry" he gives me a light smile. "you're cute when you're asleep" he says with a bigger smile. as i blush i feel his hand move up more. "tell me when i go to far" he smiles. i move my head. "so do you" i give him a smirk.

💟band boys💟Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora