Wyatt's Big Break

Start from the beginning

Wyatt chuckled. "I can imagine. And to answer your question, I'd simply got up to go use the john and when I got up, my leg fell asleep and I had my first kiss with the bathroom floor." he said in between a few more quiet groans. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Wyatt spoke again. "I hate this. My foot is itchy, I can't go swimming with you at the lake like I wanted to, and worst of all, I can't help Mom and Dad stay on top of things at The Tremont." he grumbled, his bad mood starting to get the better of him.

 Savannah rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. "I'm really sorry, Wyatt. But hey, look on the bright side. At least I'm here to make you feel better." she said cheerfully, flashing him a smile. "Oh, yeah. And how exactly are you gonna do that, huh?! My leg is stuck in a cast and now I can't do squat!!! Right now, I would really appreciate it if you would just leave me alone!" he yelled angrily, making Savannah start to cry. "Fine." she said solemnly, slowly turning on her heel and leaving the room. She was really hoping to help Wyatt feel better any way she could and hearing him snap at her was just making her feel very lousy and crappy, to put it nicely. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next morning, it was shortly after 7:00am and Wyatt was laying in his hospital bed and had pretty much given up on getting any sleep. His leg was far too itchy for him to think straight but one thing was certain:He hated hospitals. The beeping monitors, the footsteps constantly echoing throughout the halls and the uncomfortable, stale beds made for a long, uncomfortable night. And accidentally snapping at Savannah simply because he was in a bad mood wasn't helping with the discomfort he was feeling. However, before he could continue to get lost in thought, a soft, timid knock at the door snapped him out of his trance. "Come in." he answered softly.

"Hey, Wyatt." said Savannah quietly, her hands slightly trembling. "I think I'll give you two some space." said Sarah quietly, quickly leaving the room and Wyatt and Savannah alone. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Wyatt sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry, Savannah. I didn't mean to snap at you last night. It's just that I had so many things I wanted to do this summer, and now, they've all been flushed down the toilet. And I imagine my lousy mood didn't help things at all." he said quietly, looking away from her.

Savannah frowned. She didn't like seeing her Seahorse of almost four years in such a bad mood. "There must be something I can do to cheer him up and make him feel better." she thought desperately, watching him continue to sulk. After a few minutes of racking her brain, she suddenly got an idea. "Maybe I need to remind him why I fell in love with him in the first place." she thought mischievously as she pulled her phone and a Bluetooth speaker out of her little travel purse.

"I want to hear it." said Savannah sweetly, making Wyatt perk up with wide eyes. "Not right now." he said worriedly, knowing exactly where this was going. "Yes, now, Dusty Bun." said Savannah impatiently, stamping her foot down on the floor for good measure. "Aw, shit." said Wyatt, sighing in defeat before he gently started singing.

"Turn around, look at what you see. In her face, the mirror of your dream." he sang softly, a small smile slowly starting to creep up on his face. "Make believe I'm everywhere, given in the light. Written on the pages is, the answer to our Never Ending Story, ahh-ahh." sang Wyatt and Savannah beautifully, hitting the high notes with ease.

"Reach the stars. Fly a fantasy. Dream a dream and what you see will be rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds." sang the two teens without a care in the world, Wyatt smiling again. "And there upon a rainbow is the answer to our Never Ending Story, ahh-ahh. Story, ahh."

"You just saved the world." said Wyatt happily, looking at Savannah with content in his eyes. "Gosh, I miss you, Dusty Bun." said Savannah teasingly, ruffling her boyfriend's hair beyond repair. "I miss you more, Suzie Poo." "I miss you more multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy." said Savannah quietly, taking Wyatt's hands in her own. "No, I miss you---"

"Enough!" said Zoey exasperatedly as she unexpectedly stormed into Wyatt's room without any warning. "Hey!!! Don't you know how to knock?!" asked Wyatt, groaning. "Yes, but I choose not to. Now, in case you forgot, you have a whole entire family that's been worried sick about you and would love to see you." she said expectantly as the rest of the Campbell's and Dunn's quickly flied into the small hospital room. "Hey, what am I, extremely good-looking chopped liver?" asked Topher in annoyance as he shuffled past Griffin, Harper and Ben to get to the center of the room.

"Yes." answered Savannah and Harper simultaneously without missing a beat. "Well, that's just great!!!" exclaimed Topher dramatically. "Oh, shut up. At least I love you." said Zoey softly, pulling her boyfriend close to her. "Well, well, well. Going soft, are we, Zozo?" asked Wyatt teasingly. "No one asked you!!!" she replied, feigning annoyance as she quickly kissed Topher's cheek. "Some things never change, huh?" asked Savannah contently as she snuggled up closer to Wyatt as best she could without hurting him or causing him more pain.

"Nope." he answered calmly as he snuggled into her. While this little unexpected predicament might've turned his life upside down, at least he knew that his family and friends were gonna be there for him no matter what. And that was good enough for him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few days later, Savannah and Wyatt were cuddling on his bed and trying to find something to watch on TV when Savannah glanced down at his cast and realized something. "Uh, Wyatt. I just realized that I haven't signed your cast yet. May I?" she asked curiously as she got up from where she was laying and got a red Sharpie marker off his desk. "Go right ahead." answered Wyatt nonchalantly as he continued to find something to watch. "You know, this broken leg is kind of a good thing." said Savannah absentmindedly as she wrote on the cast. "Oh, yeah. How so?" asked Wyatt, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Well, as I was trying to tell you the other night before you snapped at me, this broken leg is a good thing because that means you and I get to hang out with each other without any interruptions getting in our way. Plus, I get to spoil you rotten and take care of you if you need anything." she answered calmly as she finished signing his cast. "True. I didn't even think about that." he said in realization as he looked down to see what she wrote.

"love you till forever. get better soon! <3 -S "

Wyatt smiled contently as he watched Savannah gently cuddle up next to him again before he finally settled on watching Tangled on Disney+. Maybe a couple weeks of getting to cuddle and hang out with her nonstop wouldn't be so bad after all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope y'all enjoyed this one-shot full of adorable Wyvannah fluff!!!! And in case you're wondering how exactly this is based off a true story, I unfortunately broke my leg in the bathroom back in 2019, shortly after Thanksgiving to be precise. Anyways, I hope y'all are doing good and for those of you who live in the USA, are enjoying this Fourth of July weekend. The next one-shot should be up soon. 'Til then, Ciao 4 now, besties!!! Love you all!!! <3<3<3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now