17 It's all over now..

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- Marcy POV -

I.. can't do anything..

*I struggled around in the chair, my hope fading faster than I would've ever wanted it to.*

" ... "

Why.. WHY??!

The tubes entered the sockets in my arms and legs of the suit and the helmet Inched closer. Closer... Closer..


" WAIT- WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" I screamed in one last attempt to save myself from this fate.

I can't be destined to hurt others... Anne and Sasha can't be either.. right.?

The helmet then stopped for a moment, and Dasha looked straight at us.

"Now you will never have to be away from us! And most of all... You can stay in Amphibia with us.. forever."  Dasha said as the helmet Inched closer and closer.

How did they know I was moving away-?! Are they- no they must have guessed-! Wait! I told Andrias about that.. so he told them..?

He... Told them.?

All of my will to fight back faded as the helmet emerged on my head, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream, as everything went dark.. once again..

Was this really worth it?


Will it be worth it?



- Yunan POV -

" Alright. We strike at nightfall, Tomorrow. " I said, spreading out the map and pointing at where the castle is currently.

" That sounds fair. I hope you all are ready for this. Some of us may not make it out alive." Grime said, sharping a dagger for someone to use.

" I hope the girls are doing okay.."  Sprig said as they looked out the window at the stars, hoping dearly they are still okay, or even alive.

But.. he was prepared for the worst.

It's gonna be okay..

I hope.

- ...D- Marcy POV..?.-

Everything was dark.. overwhelmingly dark.

" Anne-? Sasha?" I muttered, looking around at the void.

" .. Marce..?" A quiet and sobbing voice said and I immediately went towards it, to find Anne.. and she was still okay..

" Sasha- she was in here for so long... She -" Anne managed to say before she hugged me, and without hesitation I hugged her back.

" It's gonna be okay.." I muttered, before seeing something orange in the corner of my eye.

Multiple orange eyes stared at me, before showing themself as... Me..? But no.. they were like Dasha or Danne, and .. possessed.

" Get away.." I said with slight confidence, letting go of Anne.

" Hmm? Why? " Darcy said, with a huge grin on their face, a grin so large that I didn't even know I was capable of smiling so much.. creepy.

I looked back where Anne was, and she was no longer there, and I looked back to Darcy, with rage in my eyes. The core let my friends suffer.

That is unacceptable.

" Leave me alone.." I said, holding back sobbing Infront of ... Myself.

" Alright then.. have fun'"  Darcy said as they left me alone in the darkness, and I sobbed ..

Was this how everything was gonna go?

Or is everything ever going to be normal again..

Can it. Ever be normal again?

Don't give up..

The Plantars and everyone else haven't yet..

I hope.

513 Words!

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