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*3rd Person POV*

"This ENDS NOW!" Danne yells.

Suddenly metal arms wrap around everyone.

"Dasha, escort our guests out of here." Danne says.

"No! Marcy!" Sprig yells.

The metal arms throw everyone out of the castle expect for Marcy, Andrias, and the Core.

"Hello again, Mar-Mar." Danne says.

*Yunan POV*

We all begin to fall out of the castle, and I whistle to call Joe Sparrow.

He flys down and picks us all up.

"What should we do?!" Olivia asks.

"We can't just leave her there!" Sprig says.

"We can't just go back without a plan!" Grime says.

"But what if they get her too?!" Polly asks.

"What about Anne?!" HopPop says.

"QUIET." I yell.

Everyone becomes silent.

"We'll figure something out, but we have to have faith in Marcy!" I say.

"How?! She can't use her powers and she is against Andrias and her best friends! She doesn't stand a chance!!" Grime yells.


"Lady Olivia. I don't suppose you have any sort of plan?!" Grime says.

She shuts her mouth.

"We are going back and figuring out something as quick as possible." I say.

"But we must be quick!" Sprig says.

*Marcy POV*

"Guys!" I yell.

I struggle to get out of the arms, but with no prevail.

Danne walks over with a sinister grin.

"Your little 'friends' can't save you now. You don't even belong here." Danne says.

I feel an idea pop inside my head.

"Yeah, I know." I say.

"Aw, giving up already?" Danne says.

"This is hopeless, I never stood a chance.." I say.

"Correct, but you will be with your friends again soon." Dasha says, from the side.

"Any last words, Marcy?" Danne asks.

I mumble something.

"Speak up." Danne says as she walks closer.

The arms let go of me and I stand up.

I mumble something once again.

"Come on, tell me." Danne says.

"You already lost." I say.

"Wha-" Her guard is down.

I quickly grab Danne's mask and I rip it off.

"You brat!" Dasha yells.

Anne falls to the ground.

I whistle and Joe Sparrow comes flying in.

I pick up Anne and run into him.


Joe Sparrow flies away, back to WartWood.

Once we arrive to WartWood, I throw Anne over my shoulder and I go to HopPop's secret base in his home.

Everyone looks over at me in shock.

"Marcy?! ANNE?!" I hear them yell.

I set Anne down carefully onto the ground.

"ANNE!!" Sprig yells as he runs over to her.

The rest of the Plantars run over aswell.

"How did you escape?" Yunan asks.

"I had a trick up my sleeve." I say with a grin.

"I only had time to save Anne, since she gave me the chance." I say.

"They are going to be furious.." Olivia says.

*Cough Cough Cough*

Someone is coughing.? I look over to Anne.

*Anne POV*

I struggle to open my eyes, but after a while I finally do so.

My vision was so blurry I couldn't tell who was standing next to me.

I felt so weak.

I sit up and start coughing.

What happened.?

"Anne! I missed you so much!" A pink blob says as it hugs me tightly.

I blink a few times, and my vision becomes clear.

"Sprig?" I manage to whisper.

"Sprig!" I say as I hug him back.

HopPop and Polly come over and join Sprig in the hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" I say with tears flowing in my eyes.

"I thought we would never see each other again!" HopPop says.

Marcy walks over to me.

"Look Anne, I just wanted to say-"

"Marcy." I say as I get up.


I hug Marcy and she holds onto me tightly.

"I forgive you." I say.

"I'm so sorry.." She whispers.

"Thank you for believing in me." I whisper.

We break out of the hug and Marcy looks at me nervously.

"What is it?" I ask.

"What did you see?" Marcy asks.

My eyes widen.

I open my mouth and then immediately close it.

"Hell." She says.

I barely ever swore, but I felt like it was necessary.

After all it was indeed, hell.

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