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*Anne POV*
"I'm fine Sprig, I'm just. ouch. I'm fine." I say.

I feel weaker than usual, let's hope it's because I got shot..






What am I doing.?

"ANNE, RUN!" Marcy screams.

I quickly stand up and look around.

Run from what?

"Hey Anne." A familiar voice says.



I turn around suddenly and see Dasha.

"We told you we would come back." Dasha says with a grin.

"But. How?!" I say, shocked.

"I have my ways, Anne." Dasha says.

I walk back slowly.

I couldn't fight her, I don't stand a chance right now.

Suddenly I hear loud stomps in the distance.

And then a large blue newt appears from the trees.

"Andrias." I say, and my eyes sharpen.

I'm guessing Marcy and the others ran.

Why didn't I?!

Stupid Anne! Stupid Anne!

I begin to run off, in the direction that Marcy ran.

"Oh? Are we running now.?" Dasha says.

I start to sprint, until I see Marcy.

"Anne!" She says.

"Go, Go!" I say as we start sprinting.

Since Marcy isn't that athletic she gets tired after a bit.

Regardless we keep running until we end up in a empty field.

When was this here?

Then out of the blue we see Sasha running towards us.

Wait, SASHA?!

She runs over to Marcy and hugs her.

Marcy, oblivious as she is hugs "Sasha" and believes that is her.

"How did you get out?!" Marcy asks with tears in her eyes.

"I showed them my fists!" Sasha says!

Sasha looks over to me.

"Your not fooling me. I know what you are." I say.

Marcy looks at me confused.

Marcy then realizes and kicks Sasha in the leg.

"YOU BRAT!" Dasha yells as the illusion wears off.

Dasha pulls out a small gun, with a similar color scheme to their outfit.

"What is that.." Marcy says nervously.

Then she shoots Marcy and then me.

The beam was a red and orange color.

Marcy lets out a loud scream.

"AGH!" I scream.

I felt a burning sensation in my chest, it felt like my insides were pouring out.

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