16 ~What Could Come Of It?~

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*Marcy POV*

Piece by piece, move by move.

We kept playing and things kept getting worse for me.

I was left with my Wart, and my Wart only.

While Danne had that and 3 other pieces including The Tower, Scepter, and Heron.

The chances got more slim by the second and my Wart was in an predicament, way too close to Danne's pieces.

I managed to take down their Tower, but not everything good stays good.

As the scepter, took down my Wart.

I.. Lost..

I gasped as the Wart fell, seemingly in slow motion.

It's over.



Danne smirked evily as she stared at me, with those glowing eyes.

Those two glowing eyes..

They unsettled me so.

I need to run, protect myself.

And most importantly, to not become like-

My friends.

I flipped the table and quickly sprinted off before being cornered.



*HopPop POV*

"We. LET MARCY GO ALONE! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!" Yunan screeched as she resisted every urge not to flip the table.

"Yunan-" Olivia kept trying to calm Yunan, to no avail.

"We can figure this out, all hope isn't lost!!" Sprig said, flipping through random documents.

"Our leader, and our friends have been ripped away from us, we can't do this." Yunan said, calmly.

"We cannot give up! If one of us got in a predicament like this, those three would do anything to help us!" I said, not losing hope yet.

"Yeah! We need to repay them for all their help!" Polly said confidently.

"Prepare for war, but this time, we are going full force." Grime said.

Everyone nodded and prepared for the hell that was to come.


*Marcy POV*

Hope. I still have hope.

But now, being locked in the same chair Anne and Sasha were, it's hard to stay positive.

I let out a pathetic hiss at the Core, I will never accept them NOR LISTEN.

"Before you join us, I just wanted to tell you something personally." Dasha said, with a familiar grin.

"What." I said, trying to stay strong.

"I gave up long ago, I Listened to the CORE and now can control my own body, with their guidance!" Dasha said.

Marcy's eyes widened.

Sasha.. Gave up..?

If Sasha gave up then--

I'm done for.


380 Words!

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