I turn around. Kai is on the couch looking at me. I felt bad leaving him but... what else could I do? I nod, to his disappointment.

"You're always going out," Kai whined. "You always smell like cigarettes after. Can't you just stay for today?"

"Well, I made plans with my friend," I replied. "I'll be back, okay?"

"You keep saying that," Kai said. "I'm starting to get worried about you, hyung."

"You don't need to worry about me Kai," I said. "I'll be back in the afternoon."

"Alright," Kai said. He sounded defeated. I felt terrible but...

What could I do?


"Soobin ah! I thought you wouldn't come!"

I could already smell the cigarettes. He's right, I normally wouldn't have come. But I have nowhere else to go. My friend's home was the only place I was happy.

My friend lived with a few other people. They already knew me. Maybe I should be embarrassed but I can't find it within me to be. I sat down on the couch next to them.

"Well," My friend said. "How have you been?"

"The same," I said, laughing. "Not much can happen in two days."

"Well... you have a point..." My friend said. "Are you feeling better? Last time you seemed pretty... tense."

"I guess," I replied. "Not much changed."

"Well, I may have something that can make you feel better," My friend said. I looked up from the floor. He seemed completely serious.

"What?" I asked.

"I have something that could make you feel better," My friend said. He ran off into his bedroom and came back with a bag. A bag of pills.


"They're not that strong don't worry," My friend said. "You don't have to try them if you don't want to."

At that moment, I really felt like saying no. But the guilt... it's all too much. The guilt was like a burning sensation inside of me. Something that ate away at me every chance it got. What will a little pill do that the guilt hasn't already done? They can't be that strong anyway...

"I'll take one," I said.

He handed me the pill. It was tiny. I probably wasn't even going to feel anything.

★☆ (Kai's pov)

I think Soobin hyung lied again. I haven't seen him in a long time. Or maybe I'm being dramatic. After all, why should I be worried? I have Taehyun hyung beside me. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Soobin hyung always comes back home. Everything is fine. I'll just wait a  little bit longer. That shouldn't hurt, should it?

"Kai ah, you should go to bed," Taehyun hyung said. "I'll wait for Soobin hyung."

"No, it has to be me," I said. "And, you always end up going to bed."

"Kai ah, why do you even wait for him?" Taehyun hyung asked. "If he wanted to come, he would already be here."

"He does want to be here," I said. "Just give him time."

"Kai ah, I'm going to bed," Taehyun hyung said, getting up. "Nothing is stopping you from doing the same."

I nodded as Taehyun hyung walked away. Soobin hyung was coming. I know he was.

*Knock Knock*

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