29| Special Brownies

Start from the beginning

They both slowly ambled to the door way, upon reaching nearer, Rudra hugged the both of them, the sound of their chuckles surrounded the place.

"How are you both?" Rudra asked still hugging them, he gradually parted away from both of them, their eyes shining with ecstasy as the three musketeers celebrated their reunion with silence.

"We are amazing, won't you introduce us to bhabhi?"

"Here is your bhabhi Amaya, and Amaya these are my childhood bestfriends, Viraj and Dhruv" The three of them greeted eachother, getting engaged in little chats here and their, all of them walked inside, as the guests wanted to wish the birthday boy.

Soon enough Amaya's parents entered and straight away went to the birthday boy forgetting about their daughter. The atmosphere was joyous.

Yet Amaya was looking a little bit upset, upset over the fact that even after the invitation her brother was not there, was his work so important that he could not come to visit his sister? The thought made her heart heavy. He was the person she was the most attached with, despite so many fights, throwing insults at eachother, telling one another that they would have been better off without the other, she knew, she loved her brother.

Her brother, Shivaansh, had recently shifted to Kolkata with his wife, her sister in law, because of work.

"You fine?"

"Yes" She nodded her head lightly to her husband's question.

"You might love to greet the person, entering inside the house right now" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, a frown slowly marked its way on her face as the words leaving her husband's lips registered inside her head.

She followed his line of sight to find her brother entering with her sister in law by his side. She was numb, unable to process that her brother was finally infront of her after 6 months.

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly, catching him off guard, still he wrapped his hands around her, she buried her face in his chest, "Aaram se" He chuckled, bending a little bit he buried his face on the crook of her neck, gently caressing her hair.


She pulled her face out of his neck, he eyes shining with unshed tear droplets, he cupped her face and smiled at his sister, "How are you?" She did not say anything and again hugged him. Their parents smiled at eachother looking at their children, the admiration their eyes held said everything.

"Bhabhi?" Amaya asked pulling away smiling at the lady standing beside her brother, she noticed her brother's eyes masking into emptiness but it was gone in a second as he smiled at her, "Yes, this is Ishanvi, your bhabhi" Amaya grinned at her brother and then her bhabhi and introduced herself.

She did not even notice when her brother went inside without uttering a word, she was too engrossed to chat with her sister in law, the girl her brother loved.

Only if she knew.

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Netra knocked on the door, pushing it lightly, the door was not locked, she peeped in to find Adhrith setting his hair with his hand.

She walked inside "hey" She greeted, Adhrith gazed at her then diverted his attention back to the mirror without any reply.

She casted her gaze downwards, feeling bad because of his unceremonious behavior, the curt gesture did not sit well with her, especially coming from the guy who had always treated her like the center of his attention.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" The curt reply with a tone filled with nonchalance was now frustrating her.

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