27- Things Seen

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My eyes flash open only to instantly flinch close again. The blinding fluorescent lights of a hospital overwhelmed my senses, a familiar smell of chemicals, roses, and chlorine invading my nose. The scent of chlorine startled me, sending me into an immediate panic. Memories from what seemed like hours ago came rushing back, along with the throb of my wounds. I sat up quickly, clutching the white sheets around my body closer to me as I looked wildly around. Bile rose up my throat, my hands searching for anything to defend myself.

I could feel a strong presence coming closer, hear the sounds of footsteps and an unfamiliar smell. My senses were keen, all but my sight. It sent me into an overstimulated rush as my eyes whirled around my skull in uncontrollable adrenaline.

"S-stop! Get away from me!!!" My hands slap away another pair of hands reaching for me. I flinched, shaking in fear.

"Iris! Iris, it's me!"

I recognized the voice wasn't Yannara's. Then I suddenly remembered all that happened; Jasper rescuing me, and my strangely prophetic dream with my father. That was enough to calm me down and let my eyes open, wandering about the area. Knowing I was safe stopped my panic attack, but not my frantic heart.

It was only a hospital room, with Jasper sitting beside me worriedly. Vases and vases of flowers were nearby, and it was a wonder I could only pinpoint the smell of roses. There were daffodils, spider lilies, irises, daisies, orchids, carnations. The bouquets even trailed out of the room. But I payed little attention to that, snapping my head back to Jasper. My one true diamond out of the mass of flowers. His eyes only reflected that feeling, that I was his only gem out of the many bouquets.

He had came closer to me, his hand holding mine. I didn't notice his touch at first, but then I crazed for it. Dark bags were under his burning eyes, a slight bit of stubble growing alongside his chin and jaw. His hair was wild and ruffled, lips still raw from biting it. I could smell blood and oranges on his breath. My heart broke into billions of pieces as I lurched to throw my arms around him.

Something held back one of my arms, and a sharp sting halted me.


An IV. Multiple of them, one dripping a clear liquid. The other dark red.

Bandages were knit around my limbs, needing a change soon as the blood was starting to seep through with movement. My entire body ached, as if I was ran over by trucks and had all three of the Great Pyramids dropped on me.

Jasper notices me gawking at the bandages, wincing in pain.

"They had to give you a blood transfusion. You were...you were nearly dead, Iris." I look up at Jasper sadly, the horrors of what happened ringing in my head.

Tears escaped his eyes, to which he wiped away quickly.

"You were dead for five minutes." He shudders, sucking in a breath as he shook. That must've been my meeting with my dad...I really was dead, on the other side conversing with him.

"That long?....Where... where's my mom?"

"Your mom she...she nearly had a stroke. She's okay now, and sleeping in a nearby room."

He notices my silence. I could nearly hear his heart break furthermore in his words, echoing against my own.

"Iris I...I'm so sorry, my love. I couldn't even protect you when you needed me most. I failed you."

The hand that wasn't connected to the IV reached for his face, feeling his tremors of heat roll down his body. It sent shockwaves through my very own bones.

A Flowers EnigmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora