20- Date

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  The day ended slowly, to my demise. I wanted it to go by in a flash so Jasper and I could go on our date. A date! I couldn't believe it myself. Me, going on a date. And with Jasper, the brooding asshole prince. I couldn't have imagined this in even my wildest dreams. Every time I looked at him I couldn't help but feel nervous, my stomach getting butterflies.

He kept a serious expression on his face, hovering near me and never leaving my side. Even when I went to the restroom, he stood next to the ladies room on his phone. It was overwhelming at times, but it was better than nothing. If something involving my stalker ever happened again, he needed to be near me. What better protection than the Prince of the Bloodwyn Monarchy?

The school day finally ended, and I rushed to my room to get ready. Though I felt weary being in it, knowing I was being watched every second of the day, I grabbed everything I needed and rushed out. I'd just get ready in Jasmine's room. I take the ring I had placed on my drawer earlier and slide it on my left hand.

I grab a cute red dress and some black slippers. We were going to a carnival first after all. Heels wouldn't be a very good fashion choice. Jasmine's room was just next to Jasper's, much to my convenience. I knock on her door, hoping she could hear me through the Britney Spears music she was blasting. She opens it quickly, and I smile at her brightly.

"Hey. Can I get ready in your room? My room is kinda odd limits." I say.

"Of course! Come on!" She welcomes me in. Her room smells of...well, jasmine. Her room was aesthetically calming, with pink everywhere. She had a large bed that was decorated in pillows, with the occasional Hello Kitty plushie nearby. Her carpet was a soft black, complimenting well with the pink. She had clothes scattered around the room, and a closet opening to an even larger wardrobe. Her television was turned on to a soapy television show.

Her bedstand had a large mirror on it adorned with jewelry that I'm sure costs millions just by itself. It had lights around it, helpful for pictures and doing makeup. Her entire room was like a Barbie daydream.

"Make yourself at home. Don't mind Naomi." She says. Naomi was on her bed, reading a magazine lazily. She didn't glance up at me, absorbed in the magazine. Her long brown hair hung down, covering her face. Her hand constantly darted nearby to grab a piece of candy out of a bowl.

"So, are you ready for the first date?" Jasmine asks, snapping me out of my surveying of her room.

"Actually...no. I'm so nervous!" I say, wringing my hands. I take my hair out of it's pony tail, letting it flow down to my shoulders. My roots were getting frizzy, and it was time for a takedown. I'll do it when I get back from the date, I note.

"Oh, don't be. Jasper is probably just as nervous as you. Be cool, be that bitch!" She says.

"I'll try. We're going to a carnival and the movies." I say, switching my sneakers for the slippers.

"For his birthday? You'd think he'd go to somewhere more expensive and grown up, like a hotel." She winks at me suggestively.

"Wait. Birthday?" I ask, stopping from getting ready.

"Yeah. He didn't tell you? That is so Jasper. He barely accepted the gift I gave him-"

"Oh my god it's his birthday!!! Why didn't anyone tell me?! Oh my god and I was being a bitch to him all day and stressing him out on his birthday!" I panic, gripping the sides of my head. I felt so horrible not knowing it was his birthday.

"Chill. He doesn't like his birthday and never celebrates it. He must be in a good mood to actually want to do something." She says.

"Now, what are you wearing?" She asks. She walks up to me, eyeing the dress I had in my hand.

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