19- Reconciliation

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Most of the day went by in a flash. Jasmine's schedule aligned with mine and Jaspers, but most of the hours we spent time with Lance and Yannara. It has never been so tense before. Though I didn't talk to Jasper at all since the office situation, I sat next to him to keep his anger at bay.

Though, I had no idea what he was angry at. Was it because I kept glancing at Lance with worry and sadness? Or that I let an innocent suspect go free? I'll never know. But for now I'll resort to doing my work peacefully and being a border between the two tides. We are in third hour, and the school day is halfway over.

"I think you need to talk to him. Last time I've seen Jasper so red was when he lost his favorite teddy bear." I look over to Jasper and he isn't very red, but he is sure as hell angry. It seemed as if steam was streaming from his ears.

"Ion wanna talk to him!" I say in frustration, plopping my head back down.

"Man up!" Jasmine exclaims. "That's your fiance!"

I sigh, putting down my pencil. Me and Jasmine swap seats at the back of the class, so I can sit next to Jasper properly. She sits in front of us, blocking the teachers view of us.

"Jasper." I start, staring at him.

He stared straight ahead, his jaw clenched. I noticed he had a faint stubble on his face from not shaving recently. Despite the situation, I couldn't help but feel attracted to this small detail. The way his shoulders set back, the way he was rigid with hard anger. How his thick brows loomed over his beautiful eyes. His fat, plump, juicy lips turned into a frown. The curve of his jaw and the shadow illuminating on it. How his long unruly hair put messily in a ponytail whispered on his face.

All of it was so sexy.

But I had to snap out of it! I'm mad at him, and him possibly at me. He, possibly, messed with Adrianna. Until we clear this up, neither of us will forgive each other.

"Jasper!" I shake him harder but he doesn't budge. His eyes don't leave the empty space he was staring at absentmindedly.

"What is wrong?" I ask. He finally looks down at me, and I struggle not flinch against his seething gaze. His hard, rough hands snatches my left hand and he lifts it up aggressively, his jaw clenching even harder.

"This is what's wrong." He shakes my hand to prove a point.

"Um...my hand?" I ask. The way he held me didn't hurt. He held it firmly but softly, as if mentally making sure not to hurt me. He rolls his eyes, scoffing. Then he lifts up his right hand, showing the ring he had on. The ring that matched my own, that he gave me just yesterday.

"Do you realize how weak your making us look as you don't wear your ring?"

"You'd think I wear my ring after what you did?" I ask, snatching my hand away from him. "And this is what you're angry about?"

"I'd think you'd wear that ring through thick and thin. I did no such thing you accuse me of." He says quietly to not disturb the class, but with enough ferocity to scare millions.

"You kissed and touched on Adrianna. There was a video of it, Jasper. Explain that." I say.

He laughs, sitting back in his seat. "And you trust your sources? You think Yannara will play fair in the battle for your heart? So fucking gullible." He says, once again focusing on the empty space on the floor.

"If you were in my position-"

"If I were in your position I'd trust the person I'd be marrying my life away to! Truly you can not think so little of me, Iris." He says, but quiet enough for only Jasmine to hear. The whole class had no idea what was going on, but I'm sure they could feel it in the air. They all payed attention to the documentary playing, but kept their senses aware.

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