6- My Soon To Be Husband, The Asshole

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   I always thought I've seen normal things most people have seen before. Things that would scar a child, like seeing their mothers back massager or witnessing a kid have their head bashed in a fight at school.

But this was a different atrocity. Nothing could prepare me for this, not Jasper's omens or my mother's advice, or Yannara's witty remarks. No amount of bleach would be able to erase this from my eyes. Not even a magic mind eraser would help. It's times like these that I know the reason as to why God's rarely interact with us anymore.

Because seeing a multitude of men running around naked while being filmed in the center of the house was the very short but detailed answer. The King in the center of it was downright horrifying. Though I know my mom was swooning, I had mentally threw up eight times in the span of five seconds.

That... Is going to be my father-in-law?! The man whose balls were hanging out and with a drunken laugh? With no shame and embarrassment? This is the person Jasper has been living with his whole life? I immediately feel immense remorse towards Jasper. If I had to live with this daily I'd be an asshole as well.

"Dad!" Jasper yelled, face flushed in embarrassment and disgust.

"Oh- oh. We have guests!" The King says. I grab my mother's hand, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Not anymore." I try to rush out the door but Jasper stops me quickly. He is lightning fast, almost catching me off balance.

"I'll make him put some clothes on. You can't leave."

It takes everting in me not to nearly snarl at him.

"You said we'd be coming before school started so we could avoid stuff like this! And what do me and my mother get? A face full of cocks!" My mother snickers.

I roll my eyes, irritated that she isn't helping my case.

"I apologize for the nudity. But I'm sure a few dicks won't kill you. Besides. You owe me." The slap ordeal from yesterday suddenly flashes in my mind. He's right.

What I committed was a felony, maybe even an act of treason. Endangerment to the heir of the Bloodwyn Family wouldn't look very nice on my background checks.

"Fine. Make it quick." He smiles in satisfaction, either at my agreeance or my impulsive dominance.

But honestly, can you blame me? I've always tried to keep myself away from things like this. From things that made me a teenager. I did anything to keep the stereotypical burdens off of my mother's shoulders. She already dealt with enough. A horny teenager would've made those weights feel like mountains.

I adverted my gaze from all of the men, keeping my eyes on my shoes.

"Sorry about that, guys! We were filming for our upcoming movie 'The Taste of Red'." I nearly scoff. From that we can see it obviously must be a porno.

Up close, the King looked dazzling. The pictures and media didn't do him enough justice. The grey's in his beard and shoulder length hair shone like silver jewelry. His blue eyes sparkled, but then again it might've been the grand chandeliers in the center of the room giving him this angelic aura.

I never got a chance to truly admire the castles interior beauty. Though there was portraits of all the past kings and queens lined up on the walls, the inside didn't differ from the outside. There was still vines lining the walls, and gems scattered everywhere that probably cost more than an entire cities life worth.

It looked like a crystal cave, but modernized. Soft, plush, velvet chairs and couches were surrounding a cozy fireplace. The entire castle was a mixture of colors, but somehow it all blended together. Mahogany drapes across vast windows, green carpets, purple flowers, black vases. Above the fireplace was a painting of the current King, Sebastian. What a fool of a king he was.

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