chapter 17

484 17 6

A/n: Akeno has Fallen...for Hyakume

for Hyakume

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Hyakume flew in through the window holding a bag of items.

Hyakume: s-sorry I'm late I had to get a few extra things for the ceremony.

Michael: no you're just in time my friend.

Hyakume took a set next to Issei in front of Archangel Michael. A great amount of light shined almost blinded Hyakume leaving him writhing on the floor.

Michael: oops I should have warned. My apologies Hya-

Hyakume: n-no you don't have to apologize, I'll just be in the corner over there

Hyakume closed his eyes while blood flowed out waiting for them to heal. Michael continued with the gifting of a sword.

Michael: Issei Hyoudou.

Issei: y-yes?

Michael: this is the Dragon Slayer, a Holy Sword meant for killing Dragons, Ascalon.

Issei: it kills dragons?!

Michael: The Name " Dragon Slayer " refers to those who hunt Dragons for a living and the equipment that they use.

Issei: so this is what that tingling was.

Michael: I would like to give this to you.

Issei: to me?

Michael: Perhaps I say "Merge it with your boosted gear". since you're said to be the weakest host in history, I believe it would give you a fine boost to your power.

Hyakume puffed his cheeks with anger while bleeding out his eyes.

Issei: the weakest...I'm doing the best I can, you know? Though I can't say I'm not weak, why help me?

Michael: there have been no large battles since the end of the Great War, but as you may know, skirmishes between the three factions still occur from time to time.

Issei: so the fight with Kokabiel was just a skirmish, then.

Michael: if this situation continues,  all three will someday come to ruin. Or...even before then, some other faction may take the opportunity to attack us.

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