chapter 15

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A/n: the open house has come, and now we finally meet, Sarafell, I have been waiting so long for this moment. But first

Start ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;

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The next day the open house began and it started with making art?

Teacher: for English class today, I'll have you make anything you like with papier-mache on your desk. You can make animals, people, a house...anything you like. You're going to shape exactly what is in your mind. That's one way to communicate in English!

A/n: no that f***k it isn't!

Gripes aside Hyakume looked puzzled at the papier-mache, wondering what to make.

Mrs. Hyoudou: go, Asia!

Mr.Hyoudou: Asia, you're really cute!

Issei: What're they doing?! There are people watching!

Hyakume: ( oh-oh that's right people are watching my every move! )

Hyakume began to panic about being put under that much pressure. That impeded his thought process and began mashing the papier-mache together. Before he was very nervous, Hyakume had decided to make a totem with everyone from the occult research Club's face on it but in his panic, the totem looked a whole worst everyone's faces looked twisted and barely recognizable. It also had an unnerving aura as if it was cursed.

Hyakume: * quietly panicking *

Hyakume was trembling at the sight of his creation and thought no person should look at it, but thankfully his master, Issei, did something Issei did best.

Teacher: Hyo-Hyoudou?

Issei had made a perfect figure of Rias, everything was perfect from her hair to her measurements ( if you ask Hyakume knows this, thank you know who. )

Katese: isn't that Rias?

Murayama: it sure is!

Teacher: wonderful

Issei: w-well, I was pinching and poking away.

Aika: your hands know every detail of her body, huh?

Hyakume looked at his master smiling at the attention he was getting.

Hyakume: ( that's master for you. )

At the same time with everyone's attention on Issei, Hyakume secretly disproves his abomination of a totem.

**** timeskip brought to you by everyone haggling for the Rias statue ****

Hyakume found a secluded trashcan to throw away his totem, but even though it was probably cursed, he could part with it easily.

Hyakume: T_T I-I am s-so very sorry, but-but you might be evil, and I can't have you causing trouble master.

Hyakume looked at the totem shading a tear. The aura only grew bigger.

Issei's familiar!? ( familiar reader x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now