I felt so helpless, trying to scoot away. I didn't even know who I was. Or maybe this was who I really was. A coward girl who hides under the face of the undefeated Viper and feared Falcon just so she can mask how weak she really is.

I still wasn't getting much breath but before I could get any further, Jason grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head as I fell back on my back. I squirmed under his grip but Scarlett put her knees on my thighs, digging them into the bone.

She grabbed the knife and pulled my shirt up past my stomach. I thrashed, I wanted to cry out but I didn't because what use would that do? Scarlett dug the knife into my skin which made me go still as the pain was inflicted.

She slowly dragged it up and across my torso, just under my breasts is where she stopped. Blood gushed out and I felt like everything stopped and that the darkness would just consume me. Maybe it would be for the best. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be here.

She engraved again over my previous scar which was the word 'slut' carved. She reopened the scar and carved over it again, making it more prominent.

Another blow was sent to my temple which almost made me black out. "Go away and you better make us food in the morning," Jason spat as they got off my trembling body.

I laid there for a second, staring up at the ceiling. Scarlett kicked my ribs and I painfully and slowly got up, hobbling my way over to my room as I was doubled over in pain. Blood trickled across the floor as I dragged myself into my small waste of a room.

Once I was in there, I collapsed on the floor and let the darkness consume me. I wanted it to. It would take all the pain away temporarily. Blood pooled around me and then all I saw was darkness.


I woke up in pain. In utter pain and blood. Dried blood all around me. My body felt so weak and drained. 

Probably because they drained you of blood, dumbass.

Not the time, conscience. 

I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get up for school this morning. At least, I think it was still morning. It was still dark outside and when I craned my very sore neck up to look at the clock, it was 3:30 in the morning.

I slowly got up, clutching my stomach and ribs as I did so. I hated this. I wasn't weak. I'm not weak! I got the title Viper and Falcon for a reason. I am an assassin. I kill bad people like Jason and Scarlett. Rapists, child abusers. I kill them.

Jason and Scarlett are no exception just because I can't be strong in front of them. Much to my bodies dismay, I lugged myself up, using the wall as support. I walked to my mattress sitting on the ground and moved the floorboard near it.

That's where I pulled out my knife. My body was so sore and I felt like I was on the verge of collapsing but I needed to do this. I inhaled a breath that was wheezy but pushed myself nonetheless.

I slowly opened my door, heart pounding with the knife locked into my hand in a tight grip. I walked quietly down the hall to Jason and Scarlett's room. Taking a breath, I barged through the door, turned on the lights and had my knife in my hand.

Scarlett woke first, about to yell at me but instead let out a scream, probably noticing the knife in my hand. Jason then woke and saw the knife in my hand. Color drained from his face as Scarlett clutched onto his arm.

"What are you doing, slut?" Jason spat but I could hear the waver in his voice.

"Remember when I said my face would be the last thing you saw, and you gave me the biggest beating?" I said, my voice hoarse and cracking a bit from my hurt throat. I could tell my face and neck were all bruised up and there was dried blood coated on my face and I could feel it under my clothes. The pain was unbearable but after I did this, there would be no more pain.

"Well, I always keep my word," I said before taking big strides across their room. I stabbed Scarlett in her stomach, engraving into her gut before removing the knife and stabbing Jason's stomach as well. "I hope you burn in the pits of hell," I said before grabbing his phone and walking out as quick as I could to the kitchen.

I got their alcohol and poured it all over the house as I saw Jason try and emerge from the room, clutching his bloody stomach. He wouldn't make it far. I then grabbed the lighter and lit the floor on fire. It trailed across the alcohol, spreading all over the house.

I saw Jason's face that had pure horror before the flames made its way there and engulfed the figure. I quickly left the house, dialing Noah's number off the phone.

"Come on, pick up," I mumbled, crumpling to the ground in the lawn as my body couldn't take me any further. The whole house was lit up in the orange fire, parts of the lawn scattered with it.

After a few rings, Noah picked up. "Hello?" His tired voice asked from the other end of the line. Oh yeah. It's like 4:00 in the morning. My bad.

"Noah?" I croaked out, running my hand over my sore throat and coughing a bit. My voice still sounded not right and I wheezed with some breaths.

"Elara?" He asked, panic lacing his voice. "Shit, are you alright? What happened?" He asked.

"It's over," I whispered. "I killed them. Noah," I took a sharp, painful breath. "Fuck," I muttered. "Noah I need your help. Please come get me, please," I pleaded as everything felt so wrong at the moment.

"Don't worry baby, I'm on my way. Hold on, I'll be there in five minutes," he said. "Stay awake, alright? I'll be there soon," he said. "Hold on El," he said before cutting the call.

I dropped the phone and sat back in the dead grass, slightly coughing from the smoke. I clutched my ribs as that motion hurt. My head hurt, my ribs hurt, that slash from the knife that Scarlett gave me a few hours previous hurt. Everything hurt.

Not long after, I heard a car pull up, not even having the strength to look, I could tell it was Noah from his faint voice. I squinted my eyes open, seeing him clutching my head between the palms of his hands. He was so close but his voice was so far away.

He then slowly and carefully picked me up, winces and groans from me. He set me in the passenger seat and jogged to the drivers side before he sped off. 

Then it went black.


2nd chapter! Lmk what u think! There will be updates every week at least.




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