Why is it all so complicated?

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Kenny and I are waiting before school for Heidi to talk about being a polycule.

I will be truthful to you guys.

I'm nearly pissing my pants.

This could end badly in so many ways, that I'm really thinking about just to call all off.

I'm happy with Heidi, I can change this future I saw or hallucinated.

Why should I have more?

Because sometimes you fall in love and can't stop it.

I love Heidi.

I love Kenny.

I also love Kyle, but he is right now not here or wants to be part of it as it seems.

What I try to say is, my feelings won't go away.

I can't let go, because they are true and pure and intense.

Never in my eleven years on Earth, I would have thought I would have such drama in my love life so young.

I thought in High School this shit was about to happen.

Shows again how unnormal I am.

At least I'm not alone...Kenny is unnormal too.

I wonder if I have seen him die and don't remember it. He didn't tell me this.

I really hope I don't have to choose between Kenny and Heidi.

I...I just can't.

Finally, we see Heidi arriving. She looks curious, yet worried.

I wonder what she is thinking.

I hope that she doesn't think I want to break up with her to be with Kenny because that's totally not it!

"Hey Heidi.", I greet. "Thanks for coming this early here to talk."

My girlfriend nods.

"Of course. You sounded like you were dying. Also...what do you and Kenny want to talk about?"

Kenny and I look at each other. He gives me an encouraging nod.

Right, it's the best I talk.

So slowly and carefully I explain to Heidi what is going on.

That I love her, but I still love Kenny and Kyle.

That Kenny loves me back and would be even okay with it if I date her and him at the same time or also that we all date each other.

When I finish talking I feel like throwing up.

It doesn't get better seeing Heidi's tears in her eyes.

"You know...I had a feeling...I felt that you never stopped to love Kenny and Kyle.", she sniffles and I just want to hug her and never let her go. Hurting Heidi was never an option for me, yet here we are. "I'm not enough?"

"You are enough!", I yelled desperately.

"Yet you still want the boys too. N.K., I don't know if I can do this. Polyamory is not for everyone."

"Heidi, love, look-"

"No.", she interrupts me. "Don't choose me because you don't want to hurt me. Even if we stay together...you would still love Kenny and Kyle...right?"

What else can I do than nod?

My girlfriend signs heavily, wiping away her tears.

"I...need some time to think about it...Can we have a break, N.K.?"

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