This is not you!

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The Christmas break is over soon.

Too soon for my taste.

I enjoyed it greatly.

Having dates with Heidi, doing something with my female friends, and spend time with Leo.

I totally and completely ignore the fever dreams I had on Christmas.

Just ignore it and be a good girlfriend, friend, and sister.

Nothing to see here officer.

Only a normal pre-teen living her normal life in a...really fucked up city.

But we will ignore this.

Ignoring is good.

Anyway, the first school day after the break starts with a school assembly where also our parents participate.

I'm sitting between my parents, wondering what will happen next.

Mr. Mackey explains to us that Principal Victoria got fired since she didn't react right to a student calling rape "hot Cosby" and that we will get a new principal.

The men that walks in...I get shivers all over my body.

Not because he is creepy or anything.

I know his type.

That's a dudebro who is full-on political correctness.

My gut is right as he tells us clearly: "I don't know about you, but frankly I'm sick and tired of how minority groups are marginalized in today's society. I'm here because this place is lost in a time warp! Students who still use the word "retarded"! A teacher who said women without wombs should get an AIDS test! A chef "person of color" who the children had sing soul songs and who the children drove to kill himself!"

"No, he got brainwashed by a cult.", corrects him Leo.

This earns my little brother two days' detention.

P.C. Principal is not joking around. Alone his name says it all.

Hey, I'm the first one who is against injustice and all that, but these dudebro's are too extreme.

Even Mr. Mackey gets detention because he answered P.C. Principals question where the minoritys are correct.

I mean, we do have only Token.

Yet the dudebro doesn't care.

We will need all to watch our tongue around him.

After the little assembly our parents go home or to work and we start our school day.

When it's break time I call all my friends and my girlfriend over to my locker.

"Okay, my amazons, listen up.", I begin in a hushed tone. "I hate to say it but we have to be careful now what we say, because we can't even make jokes anymore. P.C. Principal is out for blood and he will pick up any political incorrectness, even if it's sarcasm or the likes."

"You are white as a sheet.", points Heidi out and rubs my cheek in comfort. "Are you alright N.K.?"

"Yeah, I never saw you this scarred. I thought you would find P.C. Principal awesome!", wonders Bebe.

All our friends make agreeing sounds.

I take Heidi's hand and shake my head with wide eyes.

"I know his P.C. from when I lived in Miami. All and nothing is an offense to this guys. And the worst is you can't argue with them because they will throw at you the racist, bigoted, or queerphobic card. They even don't care if you are part of a minority. So from now on we have to watch our mouth."

Friendly Faces EverywhereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang