A view of my one-shot ideas I won't be writing... (book finished)!!

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Hey hey!! You made it to the end of the one-shot book! Nice!! I hope you liked the one-shots here!! As the title of this "chapter" says, I still have/had some ideas! Most of these where, however, from fandoms I have not been keeping up with! My apologies... as of writing this chapter, I am going to finish two of my drafts, but the rest will end up on this page, for now-. The draft I am talking about will end up before this chapter, so look out for that one!! 

I do want to share them with you all! Maybe you'll get inspired by them!! Just don't fully copy them without tagging me! Because I do want to read it! :D And who knows? Maybe I will get inspired again one day!!

Here are my ideas!:

1. Shocking (Iskall angst)!!:

Accident in redstone makes his eye clitch out and he goes half blind.

2. In the sun (ZombieCleo hurt/fluff)!!

Cleo loses helmet in nether. Gets back during day and starts to burn up. Xisuma finds and helps.

3. Revange (Scot/Jimmy angst/fluff?)!!

Scot loses it during 3rd life when Jimmy dies and gets vengeful. After death they hugg.

4. Haunted (Karl/DreamSMP angst)!!

Haunted house for fun. Find a painting of Karl. POOF, no Karl. Adventures, they end up finding Karl, unconscious. His book open on page. He started writing: "They found a painting... of me... I have never gotten one made! What do I do?? I need to..." blood painting the rest of the page...

5. A storm on Hermitcraft (Grian and Mumbo angt/fluff)!!

It is storm. Grian gets hurt. Mumbo panics, -> fluff situation.
(Aight, you know the drill, this is an AU in where hybrids are real. Grian has his wings, Ren has dog features, ect! So!! Let's get this show on the road!!)

6. (Dsmp/Dream angst) Reviving process!

Dream gets shot, dies but gets revived. Pain and angst. 

7. Let us dance (Jimmy and Grian angst).

Yeahhhhhhhhhh, I don't even think I need to explain this one to yall!! :D I might add it because I am excited about this.

Mcyt angst/fluff oneshots! Double Live DreamSMP and  Hermitcraft!Where stories live. Discover now