(Double life Grian and Scar angst) The warden...

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Warning: blood, caracter death, spoilers for the double life finale.

I ship the characters. Not the actual content creators!!!

Grian pov-
Alright, now I can put my plan into motion. I though to myself as I stood infront of the tunnel I dug. Now, let's get going!

I started to walk towards the nearest shrieker when I stopped. What if I die? Nah~ but Scar will be worried if we lose to much health!! Eh, I should be carefull though, I'm sure this'll hurt.

I got to the shrieker. Maybe I shouldn't to this... it almost killed my on Hermitcraft, I don't want to actually lose the last life I have here... NO man up G! You can do this.

I set of the shrieker and ran.

Scar pov-
"...heck yes!! This is warr!!", I said. Than I took damage. I looked around. No one... damage again. Wait, were is Grian!? He isn't in trouble right!? I ate some bread, our health went back up. I started to rush over to our base, maybe G got was there?

Damage again. Fudge! Grian, what are you doing!?!?!??!

Grian pov-
I ran, as fast as I could. I made it to the stairs, but the warden was fast aswell. Another hit. Oh no!! I can't lose rightnow! What will Scar think!?

No time to think about that right now! I need to get away from this warden or we are dead! I made it to the stairs and started climbing them.

Scar pov-
I have to regroup with Grian! Where is this man?! I though to myself as I made it to the spicky cake. Mmmmmm well not here. I started running again.

Damage. Lots of it.

I sure hope Grian knows what he's doing! I'm kind of scared... and flipping, this hurts a LOT! Grian is the one getting hit, I hope this doesn't wear him down to much.

Grian pov-
The warden as faster and hits way harder than I thought... I though to myself as I was laying on the floor with little health. "I'm sorry Scar...", I whispered.

I got up, and tried to run again. Heck nah, my ankle wouldn't let me... fudge! I can't run, the warden is close, and we are almost dead! No no no!!! I got up again, arggggg, this hurts!

I went further up the stairs. Scar healed us again! Oh how much I love this man right now!

The warden came closer to me. It shrieked. I screamed in pain. I shouldn't have done this. Not with someone else or alone!! "I'm soooo sorry Scar!!!!", I yelled as hard as I could!

Scar pov-
G! Where are you!? I'm flipping worried!! I healed us again, but damage soon followed. I also have an stinging pain in my ankle. Sure hope Grian isn't doing anything dangerous.

I had found a horse, and am now riding it around looking for my soulmate. I was on top of an hill...

Grian pov-
...I heard the shriek again...

Scar pov-
...I felt the lightning strike. The pain came, and than nothingness.

Grian pov-
...I am so sorry Scar... the shriek hit me. And I died in pain. Soon nothingness followed.

I woke up at spawn. I looked around and saw Scar. Well his ghost. He looked to be okay, apart from his hair being a bit burned-

"Hey G!", he said. "Hey Scar!", I said back.

Scar pov-
Gosh this man could have looked better. Blue shrieker, or whatever, stuff was all over his back, but that was it. I think. "How are you now?", I asked him. He smiled: "I am doing okay! How are you?", he asked. "I'm okay now to!", I answered him.

He than told me all about his plan and the warden. We went looking for it. "Seems like we would have died anyway Scar.", G said after we found out the entrance was blocked with lava. "Hey! Sheer up! Th warden is going up to the surface!", I said pointing to the warden.

"Heh, yeah!........ hey Scar? I'm sorry, I took you for granted at the beginning... I just... I'm sorry!", Grian said to me, looking me in the eyes. I smiled at him. "It's okay Grian! You are correct, I do die quite a lot on Hermitcraft-", I said. And with that, our story on the Double Live smp, ends.

I like ending stories on a sad, but also happy note!! 😄

Hope ya'll enjoyed!!😉 See ya next chapter!!

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