Fireborn (Sapnap angst).

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The lore bits are acted. The hybrid bits (Techno's ears, Philza's wings, ect) are real. They are all friends, no shipping this time!


Narrator pov-

Sapnap, standing in the kitchen of his newly build house, was making some dinner. He heard knocking... "On my way!", he yelled out "just have to put something away!" He put the fire out and went to the door.

"Hey Q!! How are you?", he asked the visitor we know as Quackity. "I'm good Sapnap! Are you? You seem q bit tired.", Quackity commented. "Yeah yeah, I am.", Sapnap responded, "come in! Please! I was just making dinner for Karl, Goggy, Dream and me. I'm sure they won't mind if you joined us!", Sapnap yawned.

Stepping inside and walking towards the living room, Quackity saw Karl and Goggy already sitting. "Hey!", he greeted. "Hello Quackity! What brings you here?", Karl asked. "Well actually I wanted to talk about some upcoming lore with you guys, but that can wait. What is Sapnap making for dinner tonight?", was asked by Big-Q. "I'm making some Tacos for tonight!", we heard him yell out. "He'll yes!!", Goggy jumped up, he fell back down again trying to gain balance. Laughing erupted.


Karl pov-

A view minutes later, the group hasn't heard from Sapnap or Dream yet. Though Dream is always late these days, checking code whenever he isn't working on lore or building stuff to blow up during lore. "Hey guys, I'm going to ask Sapnap how dinner is going alright? Be right back!", I said standing and walking away.

"Hey Sapnap?", I said turning the corner. "Sapnap? Sapnap!", he was on the floor, hair aflame. He turned, "Hey Karl, is Dream here yet?", he asked me, tears in his eyes. He was curled over sitting on the floor. "No... are you okay Sapnap? Like really?", I asked him.

He turned his head back again, backing up against the wall and grabbing his head. "I have no idea Karl! It is all getting so much lately! New lore, old lore, actually living! I don't get me wrong, I love all of it. The lore, the story, the new friends, the fans, I love it, but it is a lot, and heck!, I can't even remember what bits were lore, and what bits weren't...", he trailed of. Fire getting worse, and spreading.

"It's okay Sapnap! It is! Truly, I'm sure you aren't the only one! Heck, I sometimes am also tired and get overwhelmed.", I leaned in for a hug. "Ah shit!", I cried out, backing up a but, Sapnaps head shot up. "Oh god! I am so sorry Karl! I... I...", he got up and ran. "Sapnap!", I yelled after him.

"Karl!", Goggy ran in. "You okay? We heard your cry...", Quackity followed up. "Yeah I am, just a first degree burn, I'll take care of it. Goggy, is Sapnap a hybrid?", I asked. George nodded, "yeah, yeah he is. A blaze hybrid. His hair catches fire when he is panicked or in any other way not in the best mental state, overworking himself is usually the cause. Why are you asking.", Goggy replied.

Yeah, you can't see the kitchens exit when you are in the living room... "Have you ever seen him so panicked that not only his hair, but his full body ignited?", I asked. "I think just once, but I had no idea what to do...", he trailed of. "Well that just happened, maybe we should go after him?!", I said sternly. Both Quackity's and Goggy's eyes went big. "Well let's go than!", Quackity already started running out. "Yeah!!"


Narrator pov-

Sapnap ran outside. He ran and ran, his bandana was burned off and his T-shirt started to burn aswel. "Shit shit shit!", he cried out.

"Sapnap?", he heard someone say. He, leaning against a tree in the tree line, looked up. No mask this time, just sweet green eyes and freckles, ignoring the big scar across his face. Sapnap slumped down the tree, "Yeah...", he said exhausted. "I would ask you if you where alright, but I think that that is a dumb question.", Dream giggled. So did Sapnap. A small smile. "Heh, yeah... that is a dumb question.", he answered.

"You want to talk about it..?", Dream asked Sapnap. Sapnap shook his head "maybe later. I just want to be sad for a little bit...", Sapnap trailed off. Dream just took place next to him. Wrapped his arm around Sapnaps shoulders. "Mmh? How?", Sapnaps eyes met Dreams.

Dream looked away and smiled. Holding up an empty glass bottle. "Fire-resistance ", he said. Sapnap smiled to. "Heh, thank you Dream...", he trailed off leaning on Dreams shoulder, watching the sunset with him. It was beautiful and piecefull.

Sapnap hadn't planned to fall asleep right than and there, but he did, and Dream let him, knowing how tired his friend must be.


Okay! Some short Sapnap angst to fluff! Some Karl angst and some Dream fluff!! Amazing!! :D I think- anywho, thank you for reading!!

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