
Summer get's to school. It was the day of the auditions. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She got to her locker when her friend group she hung-out with when she became distant with Ricky, Nini, Big Red and Kourtney, comes over to her.
"Hey girl!" Stephanie Ross says with a smile.
"Hey guys." Summer replies.
"So, me and Steph are going to to movies after school, want to join?" Delilah Adam's asks.
"I can't. I got auditions for the musical." Summer answers.
"Oh yeah, of course, how could we forget. You're going to crush it, girl." Stephanie says before the bell goes off.
"We'll catch you later, you're sitting with us at lunch right?" Delilah asks.
"I'll try to." Summer says.
"Okay." Delilah says before her and Stephanie walk away.
"Hey." Landon Price says with a smile.
"Hey." Summer says returning the smile.
"Would I be able to come to your audition later?" He asks.
"Only if you audition as well." The girl replies with a laugh.
"Come on, Sum. You know I'm awful." Landon says with a laugh.
"Please, Lan. Just imagine, us being on stage together, It will be so much fun." Summer says.
Summer has been dating Landon for about 11 months. It had been a complete secret though as Summer didn't want not only her parents finding out but her friends finding out. Landon was considered the bad boy of the school. And if her friends had found out Summer was dating him, they would flip.
"Fine, but only for you." Landon says.
"Thanks." Summer says.
"I really wish I could kiss you right now." Landon tells her.
"Well, you know, you can't. I wish you could to. But then people will find out. And we agreed to wait until our 1 year to go public." Summer reminds him.
"Steph and Del know." Landon points out.
"Yeah, but they're our friends." Summer says. "Anyway, I should get to class. I'll see you later."
Summer then closes her locker and walks away, unaware that Ricky Bowen and Big Red had been watching the entire time.


"What is she doing with Landon Price?" Ricky asks as he watches Summer and Landon talking.
"Maybe that's why she became so distant with us and why she's started wearing darker clothes. Maybe their dating." Big Red says.
"No, Summer would never go for someone like Landon Price, come on dude. She's Summer. She's bubbly and happy, where as Landon is the complete opposite." Ricky says refusing to believe his best friend was dating the resident bad boy of the school.
"Have you not noticed that Summer has become a lot less bubbly and happy?" Big Red asks causing Ricky to give him an annoyed look before looking back at the pair he had been staring at. "I'm just saying bro. He's Landon Price. All the girls have a crush on him."
"Yeah, but not Summer. If she did she would have told me... I mean us. I mean us." Ricky says as he sees Summer walking away from Landon. "I got to go to the computer lab."


Summer was stood in the dressing room getting ready for the auditions. She was sat next to Nini. Kourtney had just finished Nini's makeup and was now doing Summer's.
"People, make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes."Carlos announces. "This isn't a game."
"You know, I'm actually kind of bumped that we don't have any competition here." EJ says to Nini. "It would make getting the leads all that sweeter."
"Would you stop tempting fate?" Nini says hitting him. "Plus, I've definitely got some competition with this one."
Nini points at Summer.
"I meant I was bumped the three of us didn't have any competition. One of you is definitely going to get the role." EJ says before turning to Summer. "Hey, I saw you and Landon Price talking earlier, what was that about?"
"Oh, he just wanted to know if we had any homework for a class we're in together." Summer answers.
"Which class?" Kourtney asks as she finishes Summer's makeup.
"Math." Summer answers.
"Well, look's like he wants to ask again." Nini says gesturing to Landon who had just walked in.
"Oh no, I was talking to him about the auditions in math today and I convinced him to audition as well." Summer says.
"Has he ever been in a show before?" EJ asks.
"Nope." Summer answers before standing up going over to Landon. "Hey, glad you actually came."
"Can't let my girl down can I?" Landon whispers so no one else hears.
"No, you definitely can not." Summer says laugh before their was a knock on the door.
"Okay, theatre people." Miss Jenn says clapping her hands together. "Let's do this."
Everyone cheers before heading out to the stage.

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