For all she knew, he could have run away upon hearing that she was the woman that he would be marrying. She let out a short laugh at the thought of causing him to run away. It would certainly solve the issue of the uprising.

Once the anchor had been lowered and the ship was being properly docked, Cassandra took a step back from the deck.

 Owain had told her the day prior that he would be accompanying the fishermen to the markets to learn more about the trade. 

After she had spoken to them and assured herself of the little boy's safety, she had agreed to let him go and even gave him a few coins just in case he would find something he would like to buy. 

She was happy that at least, he was adjusting perfectly to their situation. If only she was as lucky. 

Before she could begin to dwell on such thoughts, Lord Arryn approached her and wordlessly gestured for her to descend from the ship first. 

 Picking up her skirts, she carefully disembarked. She made sure to keep her eyes on where she was headed, her head held high. It was only when she reached the unmoving wooden floorboards that she allowed herself to look at the retinue once more. 

As if knowing her innermost thoughts, her eyes almost instantaneously found the man with all the night's darkness in his gaze. Her breath was caught in her chest as she saw him again, looking at her intently. It was practically annoying how she always reacted to him in such a manner. 

When Oberyn spotted her, his lips upturned into a familiar smirk. She could not help the surprise that surged through her at his reaction. She had thought that he would be more likely to turn away or roll his eyes at the sight of her. 

Cassandra observed that he looked almost the same yet still also different. He was as handsome as she remembered, maybe even more so. His short raven locks were perfectly complimented by his golden skin and lean physique. 

His eyes were the onyx shade she remembered, not intimidating like the shadows that crept in a room but dark like the endlessly beautiful night sky. They were dark with mischief though they were tinted with sadness despite the smirk he sported, she noticed. 

"Shall we, my lady?" Lord Arryn interrupted her thoughts, making her look at him in surprise. She had almost forgotten he was there to accompany her.

Cassandra chanced another look at the Dornish prince before nodding. 

"We shall."


Oberyn did not know what had gotten over him. 

He had to have gone mad. He never would have been agreeable to a betrothal with a noblewoman but now, he had combed his hair in anticipation for their meeting. 

Combed his hair. He had definitely gone mad. 

Even Doran had taken one look at him and barely stifled a snort at the sight of him. He was a prince. Of course, he cared about appearances but even this was taking things too far. 

Looking like this, it was difficult to see him as a warrior. Still, he hid a shortsword by his waist and a dagger in one of his sleeves. Just because he looked like a prissy nobleman, doesn't mean he actually had to be one. 

Oberyn shifted his weight from foot to foot as the ship bearing Baratheon colors came into view. Despite being too far for the eye to see, he craned for a view of her. 

Until he saw Cassandra Baratheon again, he did not think that he could believe that they were to be married. When they had first met, she had been this elusive woman who he could not quite reach no matter how much he wanted to. 

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