The Nightmare

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I had just finished eating dinner with my mother, father, and sister but they didn't look like my family something is off.

My sister was younger, she looked like the little girl that came up too me at the train station.

My mother looked like the lovely miss Medda, the lady at the theater who takes care of Jack and me when things get bad.

My father looks like Jack. His sandy hair falls over his eyes which show a mysterious warning. Telling me something is going too happen.

I shook off my confused feelings and went up to my room to get some sleep. It was not even a moment that I was asleep when I am violently and angrily woken up by my mother bursting into my room.

However once again it is not my mother, but this time it is not Medda. Her brown eyes are foggy and glazed over. Her usually neat blond hair is sticking out all over chaotically. She looks like something has possessed her.

She quietly runs over to me. "There are people in our house" she whispers her voice rough and grave.

"There are people in our house!?" I whisper back

"Yes! You have to run. You have to get out of here"

"How!" I whisper feeling a rush of panic and fear. What is going too happen too my sister and my father, how could I leave them again?

She stays quiet. I can tell that she has no idea. I look around. I can hear footsteps coming up to my room. I run towards the window. Everything in my mind is telling me too stop but my body keeps going. I break the window and jump out not even looking at what is below.

The drop is longer than I remember, I open my eyes too see why I am high off the ground barreling towards it at an impossible speed. My mother jumps out after.

My hands are all bloody and hurt but I really don't care. I scream for my mother too stop, hoping she hears me in time.

The world seems too part around me as I watch my mother fall. Just as the earth closes I hear her body hit the ground. She is gone.

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