Waiting for you

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I wake to the feel of a cold cloth resting on my head and try to remember where I am and what I am doing here. All I can remember after feeling the freezing water is someone carrying me. I remember the feeling of safety and comfort in their arms but I could not move or say anything.

I slowly sit up and look around the room. I'm in a small private room with a bunk bed, a small table, and a chair. It looks like mind but at the same time looks totally different.

'This doesn't look like the lodging house,' I think to myself. 'And who brought me here?'

I hear footsteps outside the door and freeze in fear. Spot walks in and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Spot?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, you're awake. How do you feel?" he asks, a concerned tone lacing his voice.

"Um, alright I guess," I answer vaguely not really wanting too answer him. "How long have I been asleep?"

"A few days. Not too bad," he says calmly.

"A few days?! The boys must be worried sick looking for me! Who will take care of them?!" I yell frantically.

"They will be fine. You weren't thinking about that when you decided to jump off the bridge, now were you?" Spot says.

'Why does he have too be so right? For once let me do something and him not be right' I think to myself but what I really say is: "Crap, you're right. I don't know what came over me."

"Don't worry, I made sure they are all taken care of. You need to stay here to rest for a while longer. You almost died."

"But how will I get money to pay for my food? I need to get back out there as soon as possible so I can make up for the lost time."

"Don't worry, Shadow. I have some money saved up that I can use for a while. The important thing is you getting better."

"Did you just call me Shadow and not a nickname?" I ask, shocked and kind of worried, he has never done that before.

"Oh yeah I guess I did," he admits sheepishly.

"And you would really use your savings to help me?" I ask, astonished at his surprising generosity.

"Of course. That's what....friends do," he says, a sad look in his eyes. I wonder why it took him so long to say, friends.

"I'll go get you some food. You must be absolutely starving," he says, changing the subject.

He leaves and comes back with some bread and cheese and a cup of water. I devour the food and thank him and then go back to sleep.

I sleep for a few hours and wake at dusk. I see Spot hanging up his hat and getting ready for bed.

"How did the papes sell today?" I ask.

He turns around, startled.

"Oh, I didn't know yous were awake. They sold pretty well. I sold out by late afternoon."

"Oh nice," I respond. Trying too fill the awkward silence.

"How did you sleep," he asks, walking over to my bed and sitting on it.

"Pretty well," I say, sitting up. I look over at him right as he looks over at me. We both awkwardly glance away and then back. I don't want to look away.

I never noticed how blue his eyes were, like two little sapphires. He doesn't look away either. I get lost in his eyes, and the next thing I know our faces are barely an inch apart, his warm breath against my lips, he smells like faint cigars and peppermint. Before I know what's happening, he leans forward and captures my lips with his own.

His soft but chapped lips were warm and comforting.

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