Meet River

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The very moment that I choose where I am going too go, I throw my hat on top of my long, messy, raven hair. Just then I remembered Spot's cane. I leave it on the bed for him to find later tonight or tomorrow. It's my thank-you gift too him.

I look one last time in the room wishing I could stay here with Spot but I know that I can not, I should not. I wipe away all my sad feelings and murmur a goodbye before I take off out of the window and down the street on my way to my new life.

Yes, I know, I really need to stop running away and leaving through windows but I just subconsciously run away from my problems.

And with the window. It's just a thing in my mind that reminds me of my past. Not that I want to remember it, it's more like I remember feeling safe cuz of it. It's also the easiest way of getting in and out of a place without being noticed and that's really what I need right now.

If you really want the reason, well too bad. I don't like going into backstories so all I'm gonna say is that going through a window saved my life once so deal with it.

I am pretty quick so I make a lot of ground, it's about sunrise when I make it to Queens. I collapse to the ground, breathing heavily. Totally forgot I haven't done anything in a while and that I have not eaten enough.

Shoot, food. I am gonna need food. I have no money because I have not been working for a few weeks. I guess I am back to stealing and lying. I thought I was past that stage in my life but when you're a newsie, you gotta do what you can to survive.

I see a close-up fruit cart nearby, with a few apples sitting out on the counter. I quietly sneak up and grab them. Being careful in case anyone out on the streets sees me.

I feel the presence of someone behind me. Hastily I look behind me to find a little boy staring up at me, his big brown doe eyes filled with wonder. I jump back startled at how close he is. Did he catch me, am I gonna be in trouble?

"Who are you?" he asks in a soft voice, his eyes glittering in the light of the stars and moon.

"I'm Amilia," I say knowing that I have no nickname in mind yet "Amilia James."

"Nice to meet you, Amilia. Are you a newsie?" he asks.

"Why yes. Yes, I am." I say, proud of who I am.

"You ain't from here, are you? I don't think I have seen you around Queens. You must be the new kid Scratch is expecting," he says quickly grabbing my arm.

As he grabs my arm I wince, drawing back subconsciously. It's an old habit from when I was a kid. I usually have it under control, however, now I am in a new place with new people who I don't know or trust so it's back.

"Uhhh, yeah. That's me" I lie hoping he doesn't figure out that I am the last kid Scratch would expect to be here.

"Do you have a nickname yet?" the kid asks me.

"Hold your horses," I say, stalling so I can figure one out. "First yous gotta tell me your name."

"Oh, sorry miss. I'm Charlie, but the newsies call me River," he says politely with a big happy smile.

"Nice to meet you, River. You said Scratch was expecting me. We shouldn't keep him waiting." I say trying to give myself more time to think of a name because God knows I ain't the best at thinking on my toes. Especially during times like these.

I feel absolutely exhausted and run down. I still have the fruit in my hand. A big red apple. I take a bite of it before he can speak again.

"Right. Thanks," he says while taking off running, and dragging me behind him. Wow this kid is strong.

We run down the streets of Queens, I barely have time to take in its beauty before we arrive at a big worn-down brick building which I am guessing is the lodging house. I also dropped my apple on the way which makes me sad.

River kicks in the door and drags me up the rickety old stairs into a big room with about two dozen bunk beds shoved in it with just enough room to walk around.

They have a lot of kids. Obviously, a good thing when you are expecting too go into a turf war. Not good for the other burrows but good for Queens.

All the beds are shoved to the edge of the room and in the center a bunch of kids, boys and girls sit in a circle playing cards and smoking. As soon as we enter the room all eyes are glued on us.

I wave at them shyly as River drags me to the group. Gods, I am gonna die of embarrassment.

"Who's this River?" asks a boy, who I recognize as Scratch.

"This is the newsie yous has been waiting for," River says with a proud smile on his face. Joy dances in his eyes.

"No." Scratch says "This right here is the one I was waiting for." he points to a short, dark-haired boy sitting next to him.

"Then who are you?" River asks, turning to me, accusation filling his voice, along with genuine confusion.

"Ok fine, here is the truth. I am a lost newsie, I just ran away and was looking for a place to stay. I was hoping maybe I could stay here in Queens?" I say, too exhausted too lie

"Since you went through all that trouble I can't see why not. But we is gonna need a name" Scratch says.

"Her name is Amilia" River pipes up in his usual excited tone, how does this kid stay so chipper all the dang time?

I will have time to figure that out later because right now I gotta think on the spot for my nickname. I can't keep the same one cuz the boys would be looking for me and would find me right away.

At least, I think they are looking for me. I hope they are. Well, not really. I want too stay hidden and can't do that if they are looking for me but I also just want too know that they care which I won't know because they won't find me

I am usually good at hiding and sneaking into the shadows and have dark hair and look like a shadow came out into the light in a human form.

but my old name was shadow so I gotta think of something different but the same. Something tough. Something more me. Then I got it.

"Yeah, Amilia. But everyone calls me Shard"  

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