The Chase

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Spot steps back in shock. Like he just expected something else. I thought for sure he had figured me out but he must have thought something else.

Who knows what he was thinking. Maybe he thought that I had a little mouse under my hat controlling my every move.

"Who. Are. You." he says, taking a step towards me for each word.

"No one. Jeez, I am no one. Now leave me alone" I turn too walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him

I stumble a bit and get so close to him that I can feel his warm breath on my lips, his icy blue eyes staring into my warm brown ones. He smells of peppermint and cigars.

My mind goes blank for a few seconds. I bite my lower lip, nervous. Our faces inch closer together. Finally, I come back to my senses.

As he is distracted by me I gently grab his cane and put it in my belt loop. I give Spot a smirk and a wink. I simply take a step back. His confident smirk does not waver but confusion sparks in his eyes. I just keep smirking and walk a few more steps back, I give him a wink and turn around and walk off, fiddling with his cane in my belt.

I was about to the middle of the bridge or so when I hear a distant shout "HEY??!" I knew it was Spot.

I take off running with a small laugh, once I get to the Manhattan side of the bridge I look back and see a shadowed figure running towards me, he is still pretty far from me so I got some more time.

Jumping up onto a fire escape to get up to the roof and running on the roof with the hot dirty summer air blowing on my face and in my hair under the bright stars felt pretty good. I am used too the dirty air of new york and the muggy summers. It's nicer at night because there is a small breeze.

I let out a loud laugh and do a little spin before I jump onto the next roof. I hear pounding footsteps running at me. I see the next roof coming up and I make a risky choice. There is a space between the roofs just enough for me to fit.

I jump down and slide through and put my arms on the wall of one of the buildings. I put my feet on the other one to slow down my fall and stop myself. My hands and feet are severely scrapped and hurt but I got away and outsmarted the 'King of New York' so like....point for me.

I hear footsteps running up to where I was and I see him jump over the space where I am hiding.


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