The Deal

18 0 28

I use my favorite tactic for selling papes and they go pretty quickly. I can feel someone's eyes on me but I ignore it and sell some more.

*FREEZ FRAME* Shadow: I should explain this. All of us newsies have a signature way of selling; Jack lies, Race bets and guilt trips, and so on. I have learned to use my acting skills. I am a lost boy who is trying to make money for his sick mother, he also has a raspy cough and sounds horrible. It's kinda fun. Pretending to be someone else. *BAK TOO THE STORY*

By about noon I have sold all my papers. The sun is beating down on me and I can feel my skin start to burn. The feeling of someone watching me is still in the back of my mind but I just push it off as my imagination.

Seeing Brooklyn late at night made me wonder what it is like in the daylight. I make my way down the bridge to find out.

When I get to the other side I see Spot standing there shouting out headlines

Confidently. He only has a few more papes.

HA. I finished selling before the "King of New York" (lol noob) a rush of just pure joy floods my senses. I don't know why but I like feeling like I can do something better than him. Just a joy for me.

I see him looking at me from the corner of his eye. Shutting off all emotions I walked past him hoping to the gods it wasn't me he was looking at.

I keep walking down the street and find a small cafe with shade. I sit outside and put on my act, I make my eyes look tired and sullen and sorrowful. A few people pass by and some throw some coins at me. Soon I have enough to get something other than water, something cheap but still something.

I go inside and sit down, a boy about Jack's age comes to take my order, I get some orange juice, which fun fact is 7 cents, Dear lord I've spent a lot of my money on this. While I sip the nice cold beverage I watch the people walk by the window.

I have always found it fun too people-watch, I try too guess what kind of life they live. If they have a family, what job they have, that kind of stuff.

A certain newsboy walks into the cafe and looks around. He spots me (hehe, spots me...... I'll leave now) and makes his way over to where I am sitting.

"Wow, you must really like me. You just keep coming back for more," he says sitting down.

I laugh sarcastically "and you must really be enchanted by me, you keep following me" I sass back.

He smirks at my boldness and I know he is taking this as a challenge. See how long it takes till the headstrong girl falls for you. Well jokes on him. I will never fall in love.

"So tell me, why are you here?" he asks, leaning forward.

"Just wanted to see what it was like on this part of the bridge," I say, it's not the whole truth but there was some truth in my words.

"There's something else, ain't there?" he says.

He knows that he is right and I know that he is right and he knows I know that he is right. I take a deep breath I guess we are telling the truth now. No turning back or chickening out.

"Kinda,'' I say hesitantly. He motions for me to continue speaking "Okay so you and I both know there is a turf war coming up. Now I can't stand to see my boys back in 'Hatten get hurt and I knows that yous ain't gonna like seeing your boys get into fights this risky," I say hoping my plan will work " what if we team up?"

A shocked look is plastered on his face like even the thought of working together is impossible. This is the first time that I have seen this boy without his cocky little smirk and I am glad I finally wiped it off his stupid face.

After what seemed like forever but I'm sure was just a few moments he speaks once again.

"If we team up, you have to tell me who you really are. Got it?" he says, a mischievous glimmer in his eye.

I am not a fan of this condition. But when I really think about it I don't know why I am hiding who I am. Not like I am ever gonna see him after this. There is the risk of him blabbing out too Jack but who am I if I don't take stupid risks?

I know this is not going to end well, but I have to do it. "Fine. but you also can't tell Jackie, boy, I talked you into this. He would kill me" I say in a serious tone.

"Fine," he responds

"So we got a deal?"


He spits into his hand and holds it out for me to shake. I spit in mine and shake his.

His hands are warm but calloused, they have a rough texture from working but also feel nice in mine.

Eww, I shake my head a bit to get those thoughts out of my head. He is a guy, I can't

trust him. We are only working together for the sake of keeping my friends safe. After this, I will never see him again.

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