New mission

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"Ugh it to early for this" Anne complained to her adopted father hopediah planter as they made their way across the empty grass field."Back in my day we got up much earlier then this. We' get up and do chores like farming, plucking weeds, milking the cows, collecting chicken eggs-" "Ok alright I get it. We've got to get these rations back to the camp." Anne sighed in defeat.

After walking for only about 3 minutes, but felt like an eternity to Anne as hop pop went on and on about life in the old days, They arrived at their camp. it wasn't much, Some tents, with a rope around it marking the area. In the middle of camp is a pit for a campfire, with some benches made out of wood surrounding it."Hey everyone we're back!" Hopediah shouted to get everyone's attention. Everyone in the camp came rushing over for to claim their rations, trying to get to the good stuff first.

After everyone got their food and the crowd began to separate Anne decided to go look for her step brother sprig who was also her best friend.

She looked over what was left of the crowd trying to find him. she spotted him heading into their tent so she made her way over to him as quietly as she could. Once she was close enough she noticed somthing was off. Without warning he fell over and fell apart as pillows and blankets with his iconic hat on top of it all. "Oh no it's an-" "AMBUSH" Anne toppled over onto the ground as sprig and his girlfriend Ivy jumped on top her.

Anne yelled out in surprise even though she saw it coming. The three of them started to giggle. "Haha good job guys, you really got me." Anne said standing back up. "Thanks I think I'm really starting to get the hang if this." Sprig said excitedly. Ivy his girlfriend looked at his lovingly "Yea you are but you'll never be as good as me." She boasted proudly.

Anne was just about to say somthing but was interrupted by hop pop."Anne get over here we've got a new mission for you."
Anne sighed and said good bye to sprig and his gf as she got up leaving the tent and made her way towards the center of camp.

"So what the mission Hp." "First off I told you to stop calling me that, and well you know we're running out of supplies and cash seeing as our last raid didn't go to well so we're planning a new one" "And where are you planning to raid? We don't got many options left." Anne asked not really feeling like going out again so soon.

"A town called wartwood, you heard of it? It's a small town just inside of the kingdom's walls." "Yeah I know it, isn't that a bit risky tho? It's in the kingdoms walls. Plus why are we robbing a small town, there won't be much in one place. Wouldn't it make more sense to rob a traveling wagon or something? Most the time they have plenty of supplies. Plus it would be a lot safer since it would be away from the kingdom. And what are we even going to rob in a such a small town? Do They have a bank or anything?" Anne asked.

Hop pop looked at her clearly annoyed. "Stop asking questions it's already been settled. Go get prepared." "What?" She didn't like where this was going "You heard me" hop pop said sternly. "Your going on this mission" "but-" "no buts, I'll wright down the plan with the others and give to you when your ready"

Anne went back to the tent that she shared with the planters. "Ugh It's so annoying. I can't wait till we can get out of this crummy place. I'm sick on going on theses useless missions."she thought to herself. "why can't he send Wally or Maddie." She said out loud "probably because your our best commander" Anne jumped at the sudden voice. She turned around to see sprig standing in to door way with her other step sibling Polly close behind. "Geez sprig don't sneak up on me like that your going to give me a heart attack."

"You seemed find when we ambushed you earlier." "Okay yea but that's different! I saw that coming." "Eh whatever" sprig said.

Sprig and Polly walked over to Anne a sat next to her. The were sitting down on piles of hay sense they didn't have beds. After a moment of awkward silence Anne spoke up "I should probably get ready for this mission, could be dangerous" "how so your just raiding a little town" Polly said confused. "It wouldn't really Be a problem if it weren't in newtopia"Anne said.
"If I get recognized as members part of the "frog gang" (thats what their litlle group gang thing is called is called) the guards know who we are and what we look like. They've got  wanted posters everywhere. So I've gotta get ready you guys should get out of here." She said in the nicest way she could with out upsetting them.

Sprig and Polly finally left the tent to let Anne finish packing. "What do I need to bring." She looked around her room. She grabbed and put some bobby-pins in her bag and one in her hair. Her hair was really a mess since it's not like they have much for hygiene. Then she grabbed some snacks which really was just some small bags of jerky. She didn't plan on being gone for long but it couldn't hurt. She put the snacks in her bag. She also packed an extra hoodie. She then grabbed her sword. "Might need this." She was just about to put it in her scabbard on her belt when she saw her reflection in the sword. She looked at herself. she saw was a scruffy girl with leaves in her hair who made her way of life in stealing from others lives.
Anne never really knew anything else. She never truly new her birth parents. They had been poor and tried their best to give her what she needed but in the end couldn't. They had abandoned her when she was 3 or 4. A nice lady had found and taken care of her till she was about 6, and taught her how to defend herself. But that lady was arrest for robbery. The guards never knew about Anne so Anne was left alone once again.

Anne did her best to survive, weather that was stealing from stands or pickpocketing. She had learned to from the old lady. When ever she was caught the people just assumed she didn't know better because she was so young. They'd just take their item back and tell her to go back to her mama and papa.

At one point She had joined a group of people, most of them young orphans, they worked together to steal form shops. One would talk to the shop keeper and keeping them distracted by telling a Sob story while rest of us stole. Every now and then we'd catch a ride on a wagon and switch towns to keep people off our back.

To Be part of this group and living on the streets tho comes with a valuable rule that she learned, trust no one. Also you can't go back for anyone.

Anne learned that the hard way when the other orphans left her during a heist. Anne was probably 7 at the time. She was alone again.

Eventually tho one day the town she had been staying in was infiltrated.

While Anne was trying to find a place to hide and oldish man walked up to her. She immediately got up and ran away. "Hey there feller you look like you've got spark. How'd you like to join us. I don't see you parents anywhere." Anne stopped in her tracks and looked back at the man suspiciously. "How do I know I can trust you?" "I mean you can't really but why risk your time stealing from small places one item at a time? You could join my crew. What do you say?"

Anne pondered at the idea. It would go against everything she learned on the streets. Something tho about the old man drew her in, like a sense of familiarity. Plus what did she have to loose? "Okay, I'm in."
Okay so hey everyone! So this is my first time writing a story so I apologize for any parts that have mistakes or don't fully make sense. What makes sense to me as the writer might not always click right away with the reader because I wrote it weird.

I would love feed back.

I don't know how often this story will be updated or how many chapters it will have but I will try to update it as much as I can.

I already have a lot more of the story written but want to proof read it more.

I just wanted to get a chapter out there to see if people would read this or not.

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