Glimpses his Past. The Cook has awoken!

Start from the beginning

"What a weird looking apple..." he silently whispered he looked around, and picked up the weird apple, once again he look around him to see if someone is watching. He inspected the weird fruit once again, and took a huge chunk out of it.

"Blergh!" His tongue out, disgust by the taste he spit it out. He look at the apple again. "This apple is sh*t!"
He threw it hard on the ground, he expect it to break but instead it bounces off and hit him in the face.
"OooooOoowieeEeE!!!" his hands pressens on the red bump on his face, as he was rolling on the floor.

He sat up with a comical crying face, his stomach growled again by the sight of the apple he bitten.
He sneered at the apple before hearing his whiny stomach, he snatched the apple from the ground and swallowed the whole thing in one bite.

As soon as he ate the whole thing, he felt weird for second, but then it was gone. His stomach wasn't whining anymore, after three days with an empty stomach, he finally felt full.

His eyes teared up, and as if the weather had a mood change it started to rain, he cried, he felt dry after days from the fire but after a little fruit waterworks happen. His mouth wavered, he muttered a single word.
"Mommy." It rained softly against his skin, droplets of rain start to fill puddles.

He softly cried in the rain.

Until a figure approaches the child with an umbrella in hand. Not wanting to get wet from the soft rain the small child created. Her steps gets closer to the weeping young as she finally dropped her umbrella and bent down to hug the kid.

Tight, as frail arms surround her.

"I'm full...hic I'm finally full..!"

"I know.."

Rain softly poured on them.
Young Jerold then lift his head up towards her.

"No, don't cry my child, tears shall not put down no more your safe, your okay." The woman softly whispered while getting drench from the rain.

Her red ruby eyes look at him with such care.

He clenched his eyes shut as he vents his cries towards the mysterious woman, who listened and supported.

"Oye! Are you okay?" Some one asked on an annoyed voice, he snapped open his eyes to see the blonde cook now awake.

But the thing is, he was close to his face...

"AHHHH!" He punched Sanji in the face, which the cook reacted by jumping backwards gather attention from the people in the room.

"Ouch! What was that for!?"

"Don't get close up onto people like that! It's just plain weird!" Jerold yelled back with shark teeth.
"What did you say-!"

"Sanji?" Nami questions, cutting the cook sentence as he turn towards her.

"N-N-Nami-chwan! It's you! Oh how I miss yo-" he was interrupted by a hug, Sanji seems shock.

"Nami-san? Hey what's wrong?"

Then a skeleton joined in onto the hug.

"Sanji-san! I'm so happy you woken up, I thought you be sleeping foreverrrrreerrr!" Brook son happily.

They manage to explain it all to him in a go until Sanji notices Nami new fit.
"Nami-san I don't remember you having that kind of jacket onto the ship." He questions Nami, Nami looked at the Jacket Jerold gave her.

"Oh Jerold gave it to me during that one time." she glared at him.
"D*mnit Bxtch! You can't let that go!"

"What did you call Nami-Swan?! And his Jacket?!!!" Sanji was burning hot, steam coming off his head.
"A man giving his lady a jacket on a cold night, that's so romantic?! It should've been ME!" He got infront of Jerold face yelling him off, due to Jerold sweating by the heat coming off from him.

"Ano Nami, what do you mean by that "one time?" Franky asked curiously.
"That time where he left me and I almost got sold off when I was looking for hi-"
"WHAT!!" This time Sanji turn into flames. Franky and Brook were shock and look angrily at Jerold.

Their precious crewmate and friend almost got kidnapped and sold off to some weirdos, you think their going to stay calm about it? Wait till Luffy hear about this.

"You leave an lady in a middle of nowhere and almost sold her beautiful body off! NO ONE GOING TO SELL NAMI-SWANS BODY. you are no excuse for a man! A man should be there for his lady no matter what! you shall pay the consequences." He raised his leg in which it burn bright blue, he swung towards his head, but he quickly dodged leaving burns of his locs on fire.

"Hey man chill! I saved her didn't I? Look she's still there!"

"But she could've been sold off because of you! And *he gasped loudly and start to picture in his mind * after saving her, she cried into your chest like those lady in damsels! You draped your jacket around her and you said "It's chilly for a wonderful maiden like you." Nami-swans beautiful face lifted up to face you, "oh Jerold! I knew you've save me."
"Of course, a pretty little thing like you should be." *his face shows a sigma face* "your so much better than Sanji!" Nami-Swan swooned "I know." He laughed it off-"

"Don't be an idiot!" Nami interrupted him by punching him the head, while blushing. "And that didn't happen!" She calms down as the redness went away. "Look I'm here I'm okay, no need to get riled up more because of that."

"Man why I have that face on." Jerold pointed out with a disappointed look.


He turns around to see the scary shadowed faces of the two crewmates, he jolted back a little from their reactions, their jovial faces have change after the little incident Nami spouted out.
He gulped as he's ready to face the consequences.

"You saved our dear navigator! *sniffs* that's so SUPER awesome of you bro! *weeps*" Franky weeped, rubbing his eyes.
Jerold felt so confuse.

Meanwhile Brook still held the grim look.
"How dare you leave my crewmate unattended only to be kidnapped by some gangster weirdos! What if they taken a look of her panties while I wasn't ther—! *BONK*"


Brook plopped onto the ground, his butt in the air while a big bump grew out of his Afro; steaming from the harsh punch Nami gave him.
Jerold sweats from the scene. "Ahem." All attention went towards the blond standing there witnessing everything.

"Yeah so... we don't have time for this nonsense, we have to make a big plan for the rescue mission." His tone was serious, making everyone on the room tense all except for Sanji.

Poor guy was sleeping alll these chapters.
"Rescue mission?"

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