💎Chapter 1 💎

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Before I present my story, just a short note. I am not a professional writer and thus the stories here would be unedited. Of course I will edit it before publishing but you might find errors here and there. So pardon me for those mistakes and I'll edit all the chapters once I complete this book. Without further ado, I present you:


"...and so researches have been published citing the significance of gut microbiota in disease-causing and it's prognosis as ..."
I swiped the phone underneath my desk to check for any new notifications.

Will he message?

Has he not seen my message?

Why has he not messaged me yet??

Despite my attempts to focus on the lecture for fifty-eight minutes, my mind remained fixated on the 'thing' I did last night.

"All right, class, please respond to the roll call," the teacher instructed.

Finally, my phone vibrated.

Did he message?

No, I didn't receive any notifications.

Girl, u keep them off!!

Oh shit! Yes.

I opened the app and saw two new messages. A small smile spread across my face.

He messaged me an hour ago!!

So, what are u waiting for idiot??

Aditi, I'm scared. What if he's some freak?




Everyone chuckled at my response. The guy sitting beside me poked, irritating me. I glared at him and then at the people around me. Everyone was smiley-smiley. Even the supervising teacher smirked at me.

"Done with the chat, dear?"

"Ma'am, my mother messaged. Emergency."

"Oh, that's why you smiled three seconds ago?"

The laughter erupted once again. I don't understand why everyone finds these lame jokes funny. It's as if their brains have deteriorated humour by studying 'science'. Not to mention their innate ability to follow the herd. One laughs, and the rest follows. Ha. Ha. Ha.

"It's a good emergency." They laughed again. And so did the teacher.

"Really? Care to share?"

'No. This is an invasion of a person's privacy. And if you insist further, I apologise, I will have to take action' was what I wanted to say, but could not. Not everyone has the guts to do that, especially me. And after what I did yesterday, my faith in myself was 'sublimating'.

But I didn't want to apologise either. I know I know what you guys are thinking. I accept I'm in the wrong. I should not be texting my best friend right now, especially after she forced me to install this dating app, make a profile and right-swipe this cute guy who I had thought didn't message me, but he did. Instead, I should be thinking of an excuse for the stupid lie I just made up for which I couldn't think of any!

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