Figure X Punk! Reader

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It was a gloomy day outside of a eerie hotel. Inside was Y/n a sixteen year old with a bad attitude. Y/n had been exploring the hotel with two other people. R/n and R/n.
[R/n=Random Name]

It was around door number 28 when mysterious goopy eyes popped out of the walls, multiplying every room. Until door 31's door was opened to reveal a church like long hallway. R/n and R/n decided to race to the end of the hallway. As Y/n stayed behind a very tall figure made out of the same substance as the eyes arose from a puddle of the substance.

Instead of running like a coward Y/n forced it back into it puddle by repeatingly kicking it on the head. It hurt the monster alot because of the hard combat boots Y/n was wearing. As R/n and R/n got to the end Y/n walked their way to the end of the hallway.


The door was not like the others it was dubbed door 50 and had a velvet color to it. Now by the time of this happening R/n was dead. As R/n and Y/n progressed through the door they were faced with a fleshed colored monster. They both suspected it to be blind so the two parted ways in the seemingly big library. Y/n headed to the left of the bookshelves and to the what seemed like a reception desk. Y/n found a paper on the desk that had a code and as they found that a thud and a roar could be heard.

Y/n rushed to the scene. "I trapped it under a bookshelf so now we have all the time we need to solve that code!" R/n said. Y/n felt pity for the monster and punched R/n.

[Tw curse words!]

"What the fuck R/n! The creature hasn't done anything to us and you trap it under a bookshelf?! You Probaly hurt it!!" Y/n scolded R/n. R/n nose began to bleed as she fell to the ground. Y/n continued to kick and punch them until they passed out. Y/n lifted the bookshelf and assessed the creatures wound.

It had a huge gash on its leg preventing it from walking. Y/n took off their hoodie and wrapped it around the creatures leg. "There. Can you walk big guy?" Y/n asked it. It tried to stand up but fell right back down.

"They shouldn't have done that to you so I'll stay here and help you get better. But first~" Y/n said as they walked to a unconscious R/n. Y/n picked her up and threw her out of the library. "There screech you can have them." Y/n said while shutting the door.


[Authors note:
Bro got fed to the wolves]

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