Glitch X Paranoid! Reader

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Alright whelp

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Alright whelp. I'm gonna do Sophia_The_ Jackal's
I'm a Phone Girl/Kid
And There is Already One Saenly_Zen.


You were streaming with your friends going through a creepy hotel, to get money because you are poor. You are very paranoid because of the mean people you've encountered at stores and such.

You entered a elevator numbered 4 with your friends. "G-Guys are you s-sure this is safe?" You asked. "Of course it is now stop being a baby." Your friend Hanna said. "O-ok" You muttered.

The elevator opened to a room resembling somewhat of a service room. You decided to explore a bit. About a minute later you turned around to see your friends were gone. "G-Guys where are you t-this is not f-funny" You Called.

You turned around forcefully and your vision became glitchy. You fell out of nowhere and hit your head. "Oooow" You started to cry. "Hèý àřə ýöű øķ?" A mysterious voice said.

"Ï đïď'ņť měąň ţø hūřţ ý0ū" It said. ""My Ņ@mé§ gľïțćh" "Oh.. My Names Y/n" I said. "Ýöūř fřīĕņ𧠹řě ļòńģ ğóņę." It replied to you. "Đö ýōů wāńț ťø jůşț §țăý wīțh mě?" "O-ok, It better than nothing.." You Answered.

Srry it's short.

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