Chapter 14- The Search

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Sagittarius screamed. We turned to see a man with his hand over her mouth, dragging her away. "Sag!" Leo shrieked. But before any of them could do anything else, they felt arms grab them and everything went black.

With the Air signs...

The air signs were exploring the east area of the cabin. They were looking around the kitchen, which was old and rusty. It looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. "Hey guys, I found a picture!" Aquarius exclaimed.

Libra and Gemini ran over to her and observed the picture in her hand. It was a picture of... Pisces? "Why is there a random picture of Pisces here?" Libra questioned. "Well, the letter was mainly addressed to Pisces- remember? Maybe it had something to do with that?" Gemini guessed.

Suddenly, they heard a scream. It sounded like it was from upstairs. Aquarius shrieked and grabbed Gemini's arm. "Hey, it's ok," Gemini said, trying to sound calm. "You guys, I think we should-" Before Libra could say another word, 3 men burst into the kitchen and grabbed us, and dragged us away.

With the Earth signs...

The Earth signs had decided to explore the west area of the cabin, as most of the police were in the south area. They were in the bathroom, looking for clues or hints of what was going on. "This bathroom really smells," Taurus gagged, plugging her nose.

Suddenly, there was a loud creak sound, followed by a scream. "W-where is Virgo?" Taurus asked. "She's gone- what? I didn't even see anyone," Capricorn said nervously. Taurus couldn't help it anymore. She felt tears start to stream down her cheeks. Capricorn rushed over to her and held her in his arms.

"It's gonna be ok," he assured her. "I think there is a trapdoor in here," Capricorn guessed. He started knocking on the old floors. Suddenly, 2 men burst through a door on the floor and grabbed them, putting their arms on their mouths.

They dragged them through the trap door on the floor to a undercover secret room. They were shocked to see all the zodiacs (except Cancer and Pisces) tied up to chairs against the wall, as well as an unfamiliar-looking guy.

But before anyone could flinch, there was a thud. Taurus turned to see one of the men lying on the floor, bleeding. Did Capricorn just kill him? Capricorn then suddenly turned to the guy holding Taurus and punched him straight in the face. The man tried to retaliate, but Capricorn dodged him and kicked him to the ground.

Taurus ran to the back of the room with the other zodiacs and they all stared in shock as more men burst through the door while Capricorn beat every single one of them. But he was getting injured and they didn't think he was going to last much longer. At this point, everyone was terrified.

Suddenly, several police officers burst through the door holding guns and grabbed all the men, handcuffing them before they could react. The rest helped un-tie all of us. Taurus ran to Capricorn, who was on the ground, unconscious.

"He needs an ambulance!" she shrieked. One of the police officers said something on his walky-talky and a minute later, several doctors and nurses rushed in, along with a stretcher for Capricorn. The doctors were checking everyone up to make sure no one was seriously injured.

After everyone was checked up, all the men were arrested and the Zodiacs were informed that they were receiving a life sentence due to many other murders and kidnappings. After that was all taken care of, the zodiacs got into the ambulance with Capricorn and arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later.

They all sat outside the room, awaiting any news. A few minutes later, a doctor came out. "Good news- he's gonna be ok- he just got a concussion and some minor sprains. He'll need to stay in the hospital for the night, but he's going to be just fine," the doctor informed them, to their relief.  

Just as they were about to leave, Pisces, Cancer, and the other boy who had been in the room with them appeared. "Pisces, Cancer! Are you guys ok?" Aries asked. "We're fine...we heard what happened," Pisces said, visibly upset. "How is Capricorn?" Cancer asked tearfully. 

"He's doing just fine," Virgo assured her. "Uh... are you- are you Neptune?" Gemini asked, pointing to the boy beside Pisces. He nodded. "I'm glad you guys are okay and I see you received my letter," he said as they nodded. "Do you think you could come home with us? To explain?" Aries asked.

"Of course," he agreed. 

~Pisces POV~

We all sat in the living room as Neptune chugged a glass of water and put it to the side. We all stared at him curiously, wondering what he was about to tell us. 

"Ok, let me start from the beginning. Again, I'm Neptune or Pisces's brother/ruler. I'm part of the solar system as well as the rest of your rulers. Recently, we had been warned that you guys were in danger. So some of us had to travel down back to Earth to make sure you were safe but I was captured," he explained.

"Wait, wait, wait...did you say some of us? Does that mean there are more of you?" Virgo asked. "Well, there were but when I was kidnapped, somehow they escaped but they couldn't save me and had to go back," Neptune explained.

"I still can't believe you're my brother..." I trailed off. "I know it's hard to believe, but you have to trust me. And there's something else that's probably going to shock some of you...," he said, looking around. "Spill it," Leo insisted.

"Taurus, Libra- you 2 are siblings as well as Virgo and Gemini," he said sheepishly. "WHAT?" they exclaimed in shock. "When all of you were born, it took us a few months to find you, and after we did, you were all placed in an orphanage because you were too young to be together alone. Eventually, all of you were adopted and recently, we decided you guys were old enough and responsible enough to come together and live together," Neptune stated.

" how are we siblings?" Taurus asked confused. "Well you and Libra are ruled by Venus, who is also your sister, and Gemini and Virgo, you are both ruled by Mercury, who is also your brother," Neptune said.

"This is a lot to take in..." Gemini said, looking dazed. "I know it's crazy and hard to believe, but I'm not lying," Neptune assured them. "Is there any way we can talk to our "rulers and siblings?" Cancer asked.

"Well...there are some things we need to figure out first, but soon, yes. You'll eventually get another letter from Mother Earth, and you will be able to talk to all of us. But it's going to take some time," he said. 

"But, I can tell you all who your sibling is. Aries, your sister is Mars. Taurus and Libra, your sister- Venus. Gemini and Virgo- your brother, Mercury. Cancer, your sister is Moon. Leo, your sister is the sun. Scorpio, your brother- Pluto. Sagittarius, your brother, Jupiter.  Aquarius- your sister, Uranus. And Pisces- of course, me." he told us. "Also, Capricorn's brother is Saturn- you can let him know when he comes back"

"I can't believe we all have siblings," Libra said. Neptune chuckled. "Well, it was really nice meeting all of you, but I'm gonna have to head up to the milky way, I don't want Mother Earth to be concerned since I've been gone for much longer than I should have and I will see you all very soon," he waved goodbye, and suddenly he disappeared.

For a while, we all just sat there, dazed and confused. "Well, this was great," Scorpio said sarcastically. "At least we know more about our past," Sagittarius said, looking on the bright side. "Well- it's 2 AM we should probably head to bed. 

Just as we were about to go upstairs, I remembered something. "Hey, you guys- do we have to pick up Capricorn tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh ya- he's being discharged, I can go alone though," Aries assured, as we headed upstairs and after an exhausting, terrifying, and confusing night, headed to bed.

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