Chapter 8

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Raven's POV:

I held my shoulder as the blood ran down my arm. I looked up, and just for a second, I took everything in. The Justice League and Titans alike were fighting alongside each other against an army of evil demons. John and Zatanna were throwing magic blasts at my father as a distraction as Damian when after him with everything he had. Barbra and Jason followed their brother's lead and charged my father.

I straightened up, grunting in pain. I know I have been training for this day all my life, but now that it has come I feel nothing but weak. I watch as the people I love take punches and get blasted with powerful blasts of energy.

My heart sinks as I watch Damian crash against a building, being thrown back by my father's magic. Something inside of me clicked, and my hands held a black flame inside as my whole word became clearer.

"Ah," my father turns to me. "Now you are ready to play." His taunts ran out, but my emotions didn't change. Instead, I started to walk over, slowly, leaving a trail of magic behind me.

"Raven!" Zatanna's worried voice calls, but I don't listen. I have to stay focused, so I drown out the world around me and focus on my father.

"You want to fight me, fine," I grit my teeth. "But do not hurt the people I love."

"Love is weakness," my father bites.

"No," I narrow my eyes. "Love is strength."

"You are blinded," my father's red powers turned to a flame in his hands, and we matched on level of magic. "But I can make all of this go away. All you have to do is come with me."

"Tempting," I say sarcastically. "But I am not stupid. I know the second I leave with you, the army of demons will attack and kill everyone anyways. Because you are a filthy liar."

"Oh, you know me so well," my father's smile was wicked in every way.

Suddenly John and Zatanna's magic blasted against my father's backside as they took the moment to attack. Without even a hint of being hurt, my father turns back and blasts them with strong magic, sending them both flying back.

"HEY!" I shout, getting my father's attention once again. "Leave them out of this! This is between you and me now."

"I will do as I please," my father narrows his eyes. "I don't take orders from a half-breed."

"And I don't take orders from a jack-ass," I send a blast of energy into my father's chest, causing him to be shoved back. His heels dig into the cement and he tries to fight my magic. "I don't need you."

"You will always need me," my father said, recovering from my blast. "I am your father. I gave you that magic that you wield, and if you ever want to truly unlock yourself, you will come with me."

"I am happy with my magic," I send another blast of energy, but my father dodges it, seeing it coming.

"You could be all-powerful, like me. Why would you settle for this?" My father questions, genuinely asking.

"Because I don't need the power to be happy. I don't need to control people with fear to earn their 'respect'. I am loved here, and here is where I will stay." This time I use both hands to send a large blast into my father's chest, sending him to his knees.

"You think love is all you will need?" My father struggles to stand against my magic but succeeds. "Love gets you nowhere in life. Love makes you weak. The last person I loved, left me. Your mother ran from me, and I knew then that she was a loose end."

"You killed her because you loved her?" My anger was getting a hold over all other emotions. "She was your mate. You didn't have to. But because you did you have slowly been going insane over the years."

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