Chapter 3

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Raven's POV:

"I... don't know," I say, my shoulders slumping in defeat. I wanted so badly to have all the answers, but how could I? I knew next to nothing about the earth and even less about what was going on here. What we needed was a miracle.

"It's alright, Raven," Damian wrapped his arms around me. He was hugging me close to him, comforting me. I leaned into him, letting myself be vulnerable.

"I have studied so much about magic, yet I can't even answer this," I say, tears falling from my eyes. "John and Zantana spent hours teaching me magic, but when they need me, I am useless to them."

"You are not," He whispered in my ear. "You are the only one giving us answers about Mordred. Without you, we would be weeks behind than we are. You are not useless." He comforted me with his words.

"At least one thing came of this," I turned to look up at him with tears in my eyes. "I have met you," I smile at him.

"It was fate," He kissed me.

Yes, fate. I smile internally.



I break the kiss and look up at him. "What did you say?!" I couldn't help but show my emotions.

"I said, 'It was fate,'" he repeated his words.

"I am so stupid," I turn around and open up a portal to John's office. I grab Damian and my backpack and storm through the portal. When we get inside I stop the portal and drop the backpack on John's desk. I start to scan the book spines. "Where is it!?"

"Where is what? What is happening?" He sounded worried for me.

"You reminded me of something I read once," I explained, finding the book. I pull it out and drop it on the desk. I open it, flipping through the pages until I find the right one. "Here it is," I point to it, showing it to Damian.

He comes over and looks down at the page. "I can't read that," he said plainly.

"Sorry, I forgot." I picked up the book. "'Fate: a powerful being that has enormous power to control the universe as we know it.'"  I read.

"A being?" He questioned, understanding what I was thinking.

"Fate is a person. Someone we can find and ask for answers!" I jump with happiness. "If we could just find him, he could fix all of this."

"How would we find him?" Damian questioned. "And wouldn't Fate be old, so he would disappear with everyone else?"

"I don't think Fate would have thought," I shake my head. "Here, 'Fate is a being that is not solely young or old. Fate is everywhere and nowhere. Fate is only summoned by those who are willing to challenge their Fate.' "

"So there is a possibility he could still be on Earth!" Damian caught on. "How do we find him then?"

"Give me a second," I start to scan through pages until I come across the one I want. "It says that to summon him, we must call him out with a spell." I look up. "We need a few ingredients that will take a while to gather, but I am certain that I can do the spell once we have everything."

"Alright," He nodded. "Make a list of ingredients and we will have a search party go to collect them."

"Okay," I go over and grab a notebook, copying off the list of things we need. John had a few of the things on the list, so I asked Damian to find them as I was copying down the directions. He made a pile for me, and when I was finished, he took the paper and scanned it in.

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