Chapter 5

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Raven's POV:

After getting out of the shower and grabbing some new clothes (since the ones I laid out were laying on the floor, soaked in water). Damian followed me out and I gave him loaner clothes from John's closet.

We changed and I went into the kitchen to prepare some sandwiches. It was already noon when I glanced at the clock, and my mind was still stuck in the clouds as I thought about Damian. Damian came into the room with his tablet and seemed focused on something.

"What?" I asked, sneaking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his neck to see his tablet.

"The team is asking to all come together for a meeting. Dr. Fate has something he wants to discuss with everyone, and now that he knows you are awake, he wants to talk to you." Damian explained.

"Alright," I nod, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Hurry up and eat so we can go then."

"I don't want you to do what you did last time," Damian spun around to look at me. "I don't want you to hide the risks and do anything dangerous." He said, clarifying what he meant.

"I promise to tell you before I do something dangerous, but if this means bringing back the adults, I can't promise I won't." I gave him an honest answer. "I love you with my whole heart, but I also miss John and Zatanna. I want them back."

"You love me?" Damian pauses, stunned by my words.

"With everything I have," I say sincerely. "You are my heart and soul and the moment I saw you, you became the center of my universe."

"I love you too," Damian smiles, genuinely happy.

I can't help but smile (which I am sure looks goofy), as I lean in to kiss him. It wasn't like our other kisses, full of passion or anything, but tender and loving. It conveyed everything we wanted to say to each other, but couldn't find the words to.

When we parted I turned to him with a smile and took a bite of my food. This action caused Damian to laugh, and he got the message. He grabbed his sandwich and gobbled it down without a word.

Once I cleaned everything up and was finally ready to leave, I opened a portal for Damian and me, and we walked through it together. We ended up in the center of the communications room, and everyone was stunned to see us.

I looked down at our hands and realized my mistake. I tried to pull my hand out of Damian's before I could make it any worse, but Damian wouldn't let me go.

"Guys," Damian's voice said as if he was about to announce something. "Raven and I are mates. I am sure most of you have probably already guessed it because I have been by her side for three days, but I wanted to make an official announcement."

"What???" The room said in unison.

"I found out the day I got back, and Raven and I have been keeping it on the down-low. But we can no longer, and so you all have a right to know," Damian clarified.

"So that is why Barbra was giving all the orders," Beast Boy nodded in understanding. "I just thought she killed you and took over."

"She did not," Damian says with no emotions, which makes me smirk in amusement.

"I would never kill Damian," Barbra says, upset that she was accused of such a thing. "I mean, I totally would have killed Jason or Tim, but never Damian."

"And that is supposed to be better?" Bee asked, teasing Barbra.

"Everyone," Damian demands the attention of the room again. "If there is anything you like to ask, ask it now, because when this is done we will brief and get back to work. Not speaking about this again."

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