Tickles and Night Kisses

Start from the beginning

Why didn't they let it rot?

With it gone felt like all their suffering was for nothing. How pathetic. All the nights they cried and cried and sobbed in pain only to have it simply be taken away— only because it couldn't fight the infection anymore. It hurt and hurt so much before it became numb and lifeless, like all its struggles were for nothing but laughing liars.

Moon wonders if he'd end up like their leg.

Red eyes avert to the open door, down the hallway, and at another door just a little further away. They blink. That was your room, a room which you stated was okay to come in if they so wished.

It was harder said than done.

The ache seemed to burn brighter, like lava was tickling their heart. It wasn't laughable, though. Just silly. So, so silly.

Taking the crutch under their armpit, Moon started to limp their way down the hall. They hated the thing, it was so hard to walk with, even when you tried to train them. No, they liked to crawl instead, even if it made them feel crushed.

They also like when you hold them. Up up in strong arms and against a warm chest layered with soft clothing. The clean scent was almost lulling, and the perfume was a smell stuck to their memories.

Moon makes it to your door, hesitation heavy in his movements. Using the crutch, he leans to open the door slowly, not wanting to disturb you. The door opens and Moon half crawls inside, puts their crutch on the floor, then closes the door behind them. It was dark once they did that, but the fairy lights added a small alluring bit of light to the room, giving it an almost dreamy view. Moon abandons the crutch, instead crawling till they reach your bed. So soft. They wondered what it was like to be rich. Mostly Sun did. They wondered if they could buy whatever they wanted, or maybe people wouldn't be so mean to them if they knew they were rich. It was all dreaming, they couldn't get rich, it was too late for such dreams, even if it was sweet to daydream sometimes.

But you were. Your figure screamed confidence and power, even though you never talk higher than anyone. You promised them so much if only they would accept. Little here and little there you would try to coax them to accept your embrace fully, not wanting to overwhelm them with anything if they found it too much.

And you were right, it felt too much— like they didn't deserve it, even if they so much craved it. You wanted to give if only they would open their arms to accept. So selfless. So unlike them. Why sacrifice so much for them? Why care and love them? They were needy and broken and a huge burden, why house them in with welcoming embraces and soft kisses?

Moon climbed on the bed, feeling over the blankets. The ones in their room were just as soft, they realized. Though, yours had your smell in it, a sense of belonging to you. Moon almost felt fear of ruining it, but they kept crawling till they reached your form under the blankets. You had said to tell them if something was wrong, even if it was night and even if you were asleep. But Moon didn't want to wake you, not with how much you spend on them. They can't be that selfish, can they?

Instead, Moon shifts the blankets to lay underneath them, close to you but never touching. He reaches to play with his nightcap, running a finger over the edge and lowering it closer to their tired eyes. A small sigh leaves their lips.

You shift suddenly, a huff leaving you as you turn back, setting your phone aside, which Moon now realizes was in your grip. Your eyes blink, coming close to Moon's face when you shifted. Confusion fills your expressions before it turns to worry. "Moon?" Your voice comes hoarse. You are so tired, your voice screamed it even if you weren't asleep as they had thought. "Are you okay, baby?" You sit on your elbows, looking them down for any injuries. So selfless. It almost hurt.

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